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Which rivers should flow?


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All rivers flow..... :) Some are more enthusiastic about it than others, but, they all flow. The trick, I think, is for them to flow in the right direction..... A river should try and take you down stream, not stuff you against the bank, in a straight section of river...... Of course, I don't have the faintest idea how the game handles that particular mechanic......


In any event, if the water isn't deep enough for the game to consider you 'swimming', then flow shouldn't have much of an affect, if any, on you.

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There are only 2 rivers on the map.

Charles River - cuts right through the center of the map.

Mystic River - that connects from Covenant/Medford to the harbor.

Everything else is either a lake, pond, coastal inlet or marshland.

Edited by fraquar
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In the real world shallow rivers flow just as well, even more visibly as wide/deep rivers. The later tend to look flat surfaced, where shallow rivers can have a 'wild/bumpy' surface, with a rocky bottom pushing the water up. Going downhill, they tend to become really wild. (or even turn into 'rapids')

It can even be a challenge crossing a knee deep river without being swept of your feet by the strong flow. (speaking out of experience from camping and hiking in the Ardennes (Belgium/luxembourgh/France) and "schwarzwald" (black forest - Germany)


Anyway, the rivers near sanctuary already have a flow ...

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