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Greatest game series of the decade?


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The GameSpot "Greatest Game Series of the Decade" poll is nearing its end now, and the finalists are The Elder Scrolls versus Grand Theft Auto.


So, if you want to take part in deciding which game series is the greatest (of these two), head over to GameSpot to vote.


Both of these series have been moddable for quite some time, and have both seen some great mods being produced. Whether or not that is an important factor as to why they appear at the top of the bracket is unproven, but personally, I think it has been a key factor for the success of both series, and will continue to be so.


Now, those two series are the finalists, but they have been competing with series like Fallout, Mass Effect, Total War, Assassin's Creed, Battlefield, etc. Do you agree with the outcome so far, or is another series your favorite?

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Unfortunately, the site first tries to run a bunch of scripts on half a dozen domains and then it wants me to log in to vote (or at least fails to inform me, wether my vote counted or not). I am also not sure, if I can follow the definition of "Decade" in this case. The decade is only 1/3rd over, how can we say what won the decade yet? Do they mean "...of the last ten years"?


To be honest, most series have disappointed my expectations in the past few years. Resident Evil has turned into an abomination. Final Fantasy has not exactly covered itself in fame (the perception of FFXIII{,-2} was not exactly positive). Silent Hill basically lost everything that made it great once. Metal Gear Solid hasn't seen anything new in years (if you ignore the HD release of peace walker and don't get started on that hack'n'slash game with Raiden). Call of Duty turned into something good looking without depth (in single player) and Battlefield isn't that interesting either. Assassin's Creed startet great, had a very well done second part but lost the certain something after that. Mass Effect was similar, the first game promised space opera and exploration, the second game went from cool to Gears of Effect, the third could't rescue what I liked either. Fallout 3 and NV were not bad, but FO3 felt pretty much like an engine run for Skyrim (in the retrospective, of course). I never really cared for Halo, the Alan Wake franchise does not look that alive to me either. GTA and Saints Row seem to be big players, but I rarely got around the first area, because I love the sandbox but will be bored by the missions after an hour. Prototype ruined itself with the second game (it was an abomination from both, story as well as gameplay points of view). inFamous never left the small circle of PS3 playing interwebs commenters. Uncharted suffers the same problem as Assassin's Creed does, good idea at first but the air went stale after a while. Tomb Raider really looks pretty now (dat hair!) but the gameplay has neither anything in common with Tomb Raider, nor are there any puzzles nor does it manage to shake of the "use the Uncharted formula and remove all the jokes" cliché. Let's make this short. Dead Space? Wasted potential. Lost Planet? Wasted potential. Wasted potential everywhere. Let's take this cool concept and dumb it down to the point, where you don't need half the buttons on an NES controller, so the rest of the buttons can be used for screenshots, facebook posts, tweets and ingame purchases.


They even went further. They rebooted the Mirrors Edge franchise. After one game. They rebooted the series after one game. Don't get me started on all those reboots by the way. It's slapping a famous name on boring gameplay. Let's reboot TES. How about the Diablo 3 engine?

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In response to post #9090658.

You just about summed up my thoughts perfectly. I actually had the pleasure of playing Planescape: Torment for the first time last year and it blew the pants off of any RPG I've heard of or played to date. Sad considering it was released 13 years ago and still has the best story ever told by a video game.

Bioware and Blizzard have been forced into these awkward fast-cash project for Activsion and EA while Interplay died out a long time ago.

Out of the big elites only Bethesda is left and boy have they not only done well but they brought back an old classic and have revived much of the Interplay team with having them work on Fallout NV.

I feel like Borderlands though is the real successor to the Diablo franchise with its RPG style skill trees, loot system, and character options. It focuses mainly on shooting but even then the damage and accuracy are calculated much like an RPG (such as Fallout). Also Gearbox has brought back the Homeworld series and team much like Bethesda did with Fallout which to me restores a little bit of faith in humanity hahaha.

And while I'm not a fan of GTA, Rockstar has completely surprised me with games like Red Dead Redemption and L.A. Noire.

There are also all the kickstarters finally coming to fruition for RPGs and with shooters ARMA3 Beta is amazing and I can't wait to see its full release as it already kicks the crap out of BF, CoD, and Halo.
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