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What is Optimum OR Recommended number of Save Files to keep?


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Using a 250 g SSd only like all 'flash' memory it doesn't like you to use more than about 75% of it's capacity :) or it will lag like all flash ..


so I don't believe it is Healthy for my FO4 game to carry this dead weight of 94 gigabytes (5,900+ files) of save files... :(



Can an expert please tell me what is the Optimale number of save files a persone should utilize ?

technically this isn't a tecnical issue - :)

however pre-emptively.. if somebody didn't do this right thing with these save files they WOULD probably have technical issues??


thanks a lot


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There's no such recommendation really. If they hold fond memories for you, you don't (and shouldn't :)) have to delete them.


You might want to keep your old saves in another folder though (i.e. MyGames/Saves/OldSaves). If you have too many saves in MyGames/Saves, depending on your hardware, the "Load Game" button can become laggy (the game has to read the preferences of those saves).

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Hello. Every day, you can keep 30 or 40 saves. i don't think, anyone need more --and if you play 2 play-through fallout 4 games, maybe with more or less mods, it helps if you made 2 folders at the hard disk for each play-through, so you can move the saves. Also you can move the txt file -from the user/name/appdata/local/fallout 4- have the load order of all active mods.

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I keep the last 10 "non-automatic" saves for any particular playthrough. So when I find that I can't load a save file, or am getting constant crashes, 10 save games are usually enough to find an earlier save that isn't broken. My longest play-through reached level 111 on modded Survival (and it turns out there are no grinding perks after level 75) so my technique may work for you.

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Hey thanks everyone so far..

I'm feeling a bit like a greenhorne or something...

here i am lugging 90+ gigs aand more than 2600+ save files..


** for some reason though i got into the habit of keeping my ORIGINAL FIRST 2 saves in that saves directory at the bottom of the whords...

I guess it is not necessary neither...


on an SSD drive... they don't like to be more than about 75% used...

so I've notice when i remove a whack of save files... my game speeds up because I ASSUME...


that the freed up new data cells have more life in them as they were only ever written ONCE way way back :)

like... I go so fast im afraid to run


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Hello. the first save i think is less than 5mb and that number is going up and up, more, continue the game. So, if you use mods and you are at 40 or 50 level, maybe the save file is close to 60 or 70mb. So to keep 2600+ saves, 1 those saves cost a lot to you hard disk free space and 2 maybe many of those saves are put to the hard disk, maybe separate to a different clusters -if i said this right- so if you like to load a save, i think is good to use a defrag program first. While you keep so many saves, Fallout 4 need many more time to make a new save.

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