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Is Fallout 4 dead and forgotten?


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I think that is just the period of the lifecycle of this game.

There really isn't much to discuss about the game itself that hasn't been flogged 1,000 times over already.

Then again, forums themselves have pretty much become the communication dinosaur.


If I want an answer to something technical, I'll usually visit a Discord channel.

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Discord has its place, but, as an avenue for getting help, I really don't care for it. There is no permanence. The same questions gets asked over and over again. At least with forums, there is some small hope someone will actually SEARCH, and find the answer to their question. ESPECIALLY on games this old. It isn't the most organized either... EVERYONES comments are in line. There is a mixture of several conversations all going on at the same time. Quite frankly, I think it sucks. :)

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Discord is a place you go to - to get an answer quick. You really don't need permanence in that regard.

Forums are a place for discussions over time - which as you said is permanent. However, that also has it's drawbacks - because the wrong advice becomes permanent too, as well as outdated information - that once was correct now isn't.


Each have their own role to play.

From a technical help perspective, I'd lean Discord.

For a long discussion over time - Forums.

Edited by fraquar
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Discord is a place you go to - to get an answer quick. You really don't need permanence in that regard.

Forums are a place for discussions over time - which as you said is permanent. However, that also has it's drawbacks - because the wrong advice becomes permanent too, as well as outdated information - that once was correct now isn't.


Each have their own role to play.

From a technical help perspective, I'd lean Discord.

For a long discussion over time - Forums.

Forums can be just as quick as Discord, it just depends on WHERE you ask your question. These forums generally deal with issues fairly quickly. Some other places, you may wait days before getting an answer, and that is IF you EVER get one..... On discord, if it's busy, your question runs off the page fairly quickly. On a forum? Not so much. And then there are the issues that there is no quick, simple answer. Ever tried to show your load order on discord?? Some help threads here can last for days, walking someone thru troubleshooting their game. Sometimes the answer IS quick. If a wrong answer is put out there, folks will point that out, so that really isn't that much of an issue.....


So sure, if you have an 'easy' problem, discord may get YOU the answer quicker, but, on a forum, that same answer may help multiple people....

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Discord is a place you go to - to get an answer quick. You really don't need permanence in that regard.

Forums are a place for discussions over time - which as you said is permanent. However, that also has it's drawbacks - because the wrong advice becomes permanent too, as well as outdated information - that once was correct now isn't.


Each have their own role to play.

From a technical help perspective, I'd lean Discord.

For a long discussion over time - Forums.

Forums can be just as quick as Discord, it just depends on WHERE you ask your question. These forums generally deal with issues fairly quickly. Some other places, you may wait days before getting an answer, and that is IF you EVER get one..... On discord, if it's busy, your question runs off the page fairly quickly. On a forum? Not so much. And then there are the issues that there is no quick, simple answer. Ever tried to show your load order on discord?? Some help threads here can last for days, walking someone thru troubleshooting their game. Sometimes the answer IS quick. If a wrong answer is put out there, folks will point that out, so that really isn't that much of an issue.....


So sure, if you have an 'easy' problem, discord may get YOU the answer quicker, but, on a forum, that same answer may help multiple people....


I'll use Mod Organizer 2 as an example. I go to the Discord page and pretty much talk to the developers - or people who really know their way around the software. There is no way I'd ask an MO2 question in a forum here, because lets be honest the developers aren't using the forums like they use Discord.


If there is a Discord site where I can reach people directly - I'll use that over any forum - any day of the week when it comes to needing support.


Both have their place - some are better at doing things than others.

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