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The Pantheon. Oh what dream.


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It looks like crap right now but I've been working on getting it UV mapped. I've also built about half of the interior but don't have screenshots. They wouldn't make sense to anyone unless you are familiar with the CS or blender.



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I don't think I'll be able to use this. It's a display cabinet. I'd like to display everything like in a museum but this has 37,000 verts. It doesn't slow down my game when I test it but I think it would eventually. Does anyone know a way to reduce the poly count? I believe I read somewhere that it can be done. It would be nice to have every weapon and piece of armor on display at the beginning of the game.




I have removes all of the skeleton links, collision and animation from these items so that they hang on the wall and can not be picked up. The odd looking squares in the background are the cabinets doors. The doors will be glass, and that's something I can do.


I'm still planning on having all the statues in this mod. Imagine starting the game and being able to go into a temple and see every weapon, piece of armor and statue in the game. That would be awesome but it's way too much work for me. I saw a mod that had all the creatures as museum displays, I wonder if I could use that in this mod? I need to find it again.


I know this is supposed to be the Pantheon but I always loved museums.

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37k isn't that much for a static that won't repeat itself too much. Most Oblivion armours and weapons (In difference to statics *cough cough*) are fairly well optimized, you'll have a hard time searching for something to delete on 'em.


Speaking of mesh optimization, ever seen the skeleton mesh? Oh god, someone simply made a high polly model and then rammed it trough a poly cruncher, it's almost embaracing.



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exanimis, if I'm not mistaking I seen a few MODS that are mad to lower the poly count of grass and trees or what not. Maybe you can download those MODS and look them over and use the same concept on you MOD... Just a though of course.


The modern day Panteon is more like a museum rather than a temple any ways. I like the fact that you want to diplay things... However you should gain permission to use already mad armor MODS, such as unique armor like the Lich King Armor. But again, just a thought.


Looks good so far. The saying goes, less is more. Well, when it comes to MODS the bigger, the more, the better.

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I would only want to add the vanilla items. If people liked the museum then they could add other thing later. The problem is that each piece has to be imported into blender without animations or bone rotation or they loose their textures. each bone has to be deleted from the items menu. the skeleton has to be deleted. Then you have to delete the collision data so that they don't fall like when you drop something. Some pieces, like the gloves have to be copied and then separated so that they can be moved and rotated separately. Finally the pieces can be placed in the cabinet. Having to repeat that process for every set in the game is more work than I am willing to put into this mod, I have too much to do on others and this is just a side mod. If anyone is interested in separating all the info from different sets of armor and weapons, they could load them in a blend file or nif. I could add them to the cabinet. I could also upload the cabinet and anyone who wants could add the items to the cabinet. I really would like to have all the armor and weapon sets on display.



37,000 verts seems to be a lot to me but I know that even some creatures can be as much as 10,000. I'm not sure what the game engines limit on static verts is. If I used this display I would also want the leather set, rusty steel, steel, chainmail etc.etc.

The verts inside the museum would be astronomical. I've never loaded a skeleton mesh into blender but now I think I'll have to.

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