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question about your file management system


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if files are simply archived instead of actually being able to be deleted, wont this slowly build up over time and use more and more server disk space?


im no expert, but for certain mods that are several gigabytes in size that update frequently (example: PRP for FO4), this seems like a LOT of wasted space.


if the server uses more and more space, with files that are effectively inaccessible except via API thru collections (and only collections that were created at the time that the file was publicly available), won't there be increased cost for the site?


idk. it seems like a total waste.

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Previsibines Repair Pack (PRP) at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)


im providing a link to the example just in case anyone is unable to look for it themselves.


at the time of posting, it reports NINETY-SEVEN archived files.


it seems like a lot of wasted server space. especially when many of them are inaccessible except thru collections API.


and why anyone would WANT to do that, i have no clue, since the older versions are out of date or otherwise not supported.

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