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I would like to thank all modders for containing my soft and pale skin tone.


Youll always make my TES games last for years, I still havent finished a heavily modded Morrowind and Oblivion (been playing them since Morrowind came out)


Thanks for ruining my social life even if i had to pay 500 bucks for each of them it would still be a small price to pay.


Thanks for all your hard work modders!! Awesome :yes:

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HERE HERE! Cannot thank the modders of the world enough, You are the torch bearers of PC gaming, and the E in entertainment and the $ in money's worth. My Games are infinitely more enjoyable because of the work you do, not to mention the length of time i can enjoy them for, Go, you good things!!!

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I'm glad somebody took the time to appreciate the people who work on mods. There's quite a difference between seeing words of appreciation and numbers (endorsements).


*sigh* oooooh yeah, sad but true. newbie-modder here, but also i say thx to you modders, because without you, i wouldnt have enjoyed the game half as much :blush: ... now i am unknown... but i will be known as "master of orcish weaponry" one day *dreams* :cool:


im sure tes-games would be dead after like 6 months of relase without the ability to mod them (and skilled guys doin so), and i dont only speak about weapons n stuff, but also about the billions of bugs those dudes at beth sell to us. and EXACTLY THAT is why i will NOT play tes-online. im sure its gonna be a complete disaster :laugh:

Edited by chicky540
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All this guys (modders) are kinda creaters of your own game....of my skyrim...they share their works with us and i have biiig respect for this people...

we should give something back and start learning modding, to make them happy too ;)

u are architects of skyrim...(sry for bad english)

Das gilt auch für die deutschen Modder...danke Jungs, ihr macht eine klasse Arbeit!

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All this guys (modders) are kinda creaters of your own game....of my skyrim...they share their works with us and i have biiig respect for this people...


we should give something back and start learning modding, to make them happy too :wink:


u are architects of skyrim...(sry for bad english)


Das gilt auch für die deutschen Modder...danke Jungs, ihr macht eine klasse Arbeit!


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I may be a modder myself, but I would just like to say thank you to the people who taught me the knowledge I know today, and I also thank you for being an open and friendly group.

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