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I absolutely second this topic.


Open source is one of the most amazing initiatives and this community embraces it warmly. I love to see how some mods and resources are built on top of each other.


Y'all rock so please accept my greatest gratitude for all of the bits you've shared.

Edited by vwmc
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Damn straight!! Thank you for making our games awesome and customizable beyond comprehension. And thank you to all mod users! The videos i watch from people like Hodilton really shows your creativity as a mod user, which (in a way) takes just as much creativity and hard work as making the mods.


You're all f*cking awesome!

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  • 1 month later...

I too would like to join my voice to these thanks. I remember buying the original Skyrim on launch, playing it for maybe a few days until I'd gone through the principal quests before moving onto other games.


Now that I move around a lot more and am reliant on a laptop however, I'm unable to play the newer games I've bought, so having downloaded Skyrim again and modding it to the gills has given it a breath of life and made it an absolutely brilliant experience. In no other game can I imagine hearing the snow crunch around my feet as I try and survive the blizzards of the Pale, aiming to bring down that deer whose paw prints I am using to track it lest I starve to death.


So thank you lads and lasses!

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  • 2 weeks later...

:laugh:YOU ARE ALL GODS! :laugh:

Honestly, sincerely and deeply, thank you.

I'm glad to finally be starting to learn these things and to be a part of something I enjoyed viewing. I have literally more or less only just started and with what I have spent this past week or two looking at has blown me away.

The amount of work, effort and support you have all created is put simply. Bloody amazing.

So thank you very much again, you honestly made me feel some happiness in a time where I thought it didn't exist due to personal stuff.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ty to all modders... i second that wholeheartedly.


I used a few mods for Morrowind back then, but Oblivion was the turning point for me, as i saw the potential mods can have and so i got really soaked in to the whole modding community thing, although only from the user point of view. Skyrim modding was & is simply incredible, next level s***, to see what an open community can accomplish is really enlightening.

So thank you modders, for the incredible effort to make Games better & more extensively and for the many + hours of enjoyment, i had with these Games.


I also want to use this opportunity, to thank the whole Nexus staff, for their huge contribution to the modding community over the years and their effort to maintain this platform and the tools they provide for us.


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