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A Friendly Piece of Modding Advice


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Just a good "Best Practice" when deciding to download any mod:

1.If the mod requires dozens of other mods to work, might want to think twice.

2. If the mod requires mods from different games, (Just off the top of my head, say CBBE for FO4 AND CBBE for Skyrim), might want to skip that one.

3. If on the first day of the mod being posted, comments are locked and negative comments are deleted, that's generally not a good sign.

4. If very knowledgeable and trusted members of the modding community say something like, oh I don't know "Avoid this bulls**t clusterf**k at all costs", you might want to consider other options.

Just a few tips I've picked up along the way, hope this helps.

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You have to be lucky and see the negative comments before they are deleted, unfortunately.

A good point though, some comments are locked for very good reasons or simple because the mod author chooses to do so. I suppose you would have to use your own judgement in that case.

Edited by nexusclod
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  • 2 weeks later...

I tend to lock the comments on my looksmenu presets, because it never fails that somebody wants me to change some feature of the preset. That they Can Do themselves, IN the damn game.


Also, another one to mention. If one of the files that said NON-Standalone mod requires is only available as a .esl or esl-flagged .esp file, think about it. It may, or may not work properly. As the engine does not follow the set load order patterns on some esl files. It may load it whenever it feels like it, in whatever order it feels like it.

So, that dependant file, the game may load AFTER the mod that requires it, making said mod not be able to use it.


#4, don't see very much of that anymore. It falls into the "mod author trolling" category nowadays. Good way to get a suspension or ban, that way. *shrugs*


Another tip. If you have an author whose work you enjoy, please post positively, and give an endorsement and kudos to them. You would be amazed at how much little signs of appreciation can help keep an author enthused to produce mods. Especially with all the non-stop negative that comes their/our way.

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