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Desired features in Creation Kit 3.0


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Resizable, dockable, (etc) dialogues. Dark mode. Working effectshader previews. Multi-select, -copy, -paste, with lots of data enabled for transfer that way (like an entire column of properties, all necessary data included, onto another script). Better hot reload to get a faster edit-compile-run loop. Actual debugging. Some better integrated UI-tools.

Being able to close the cell window and abort any ongoing editing.

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ChatGPT type integration to do scripting. Typing is hell for me (medical reasons). Anything to help reduce excessive typing would help.

There's a Papyrus extension for VS Code, which also has extensibility for Github copilot. However, Copilot is not exactly solid with Papyrus code. He keeps thinking there are for-loops.

It cases where you are more or less just populating lines of very predictable code, he can be of great help. You can open VS Code as an external editor from within CK.

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ChatGPT type integration to do scripting.Typing is hell for me (medical reasons).Anything to help reduce excessive typing would help.

This would greatly reduce the learning curve and time required to create intricate stories and quest mods. +1 this idea


But in general ChatGPT doesn't do that good a job with this type of scripting. I could see where it would be very useful to story creation and dialogue build, so integration into that aspects might be quite useful.

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My guess is that modding tools won't be released right away. But it would be nice if they would include better documentation for the CK SDK. wikis are fine but the wiki for FO4 still isn't all that great.


I also wonder if they will provide plug-ins for 3d modeling software and which version will it be for. My guess is that modding tools won't be released right away.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sanity, something I lost using the one for SSE.

lol. Personally if we got one I would like to see the doing away of proprietary formats (.nif, .tri, .dds, etc) in favor of common formats (.obj+.mtl, .fbx, .png etc but that would never happen. Hell they already did away with the sound files of the previous games in favor of this .wem soundbank bullshit to prevent john q public from even so much as replacing the main menu music. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: At the very least they should've kept the Fallout 4 dialogue system (minus the interface it shipped with of course) instead of going back to the stupid f*#@ing silent protagonist bullshit that should've gone the way of the dodo bird in the f*#@ing 64-bit era. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

Edited by VearCon64
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Features? How about fixing some bugs instead? I know, I know, heresy... but hear me out:


There's the mouse input bug in FO4 CK: Sometimes when you hold Shift and move the mouse by a very small amount, the camera jumps several cells away in a random direction. Example: One moment I'm editing a building near Goodneighbor, and an instant later I find myself looking at the terrain of the docks, from deep underwater, the view being turned upside down. Personally I find this bug to be the single most annoying one, as it happens very often and completely breaks any in-progress workflow you had going.


And this situation is exacerbated by another issue, that is when the camera moves that far, CK starts loading assets at an absolute snail's pace; Like, it takes a minute to load in 12 trees or whatever, and all you see meanwhile is terrain. It's very much faster to completely close and restart CK and then reload the mod, than it is to wait for CK to catch up rendering the loaded area in this state. Good bye workflow...


If those two things could be fixed in SF CK, now that would be great.

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