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Explosions cause CTD


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Not a complete rookie but having trouble nailing down the issue.Basically any explosion causes the game to crash.It happens on any explosion.Grenades used by me or NPCs,Missiles,Mini Nukes,cars blowing up e.t.c.Sometimes I can get away with a few explosions before it happens.I read that this was a bug in vanilla Fallout 4.I found and read posts about this when the game was released.I did try checking the internet for a solution or fix but haven't found any other than try to verify game files but it said that can mess up your mods.Does anyone know of a bug fix I can try or another solution?

Some info I did download some mods recently and tested those by enabling and disabling them.Other than that I've had the same mods and load order for a long time.Not sure how to post my mod list here.Never had this bug before either.

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Was going to post my mod list since I found how to do that.Checking on a few potential problems.Will update when I can.

Update:Admin can close this thread I found the problems.Basically went through my mod files and found 2 unnamed ones I assume left over from a mod or mods I tried in the past along with a third one that affected the way explosions/weapons work.I deleted all three and sorted my load order.I also used nvidia to optimize my game and it disabled weapon debris.

I went into the game and used all my explosives I stored up mines,grenades,mini nukes e.t.c.Many explosions were had and no crashing.

I feel dumb for posting my issue now.I was basically burned out and posting here was my last option before I was going to do a clean install and spend the weekend getting mods again.

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Hello. i think is time all here to agree that the game engine of Fallout 4 is very old, so any CTD -crash to desktop- is cause from this reason. This game can't handle very fast moves or things happens also very fast. And also, this game can't handle too many people around, so if someone use a mod, add many new enemies around, is going to have problems with CTD. That's all. Thanks.

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Ok, first back up all of your ini files. Located directly in your fallout 4 folder, and the ones located in your

C:\Users\Your Name\Documents\My Games\Fallout4 folder, as these mods probably change some of the settings in them. (Your Name being whatever is on your screen when you log into the computer after turning it on).


If you're opening up those folders, and you don't see any files that end with .ini you need to enable file type extensions in windows explorer. Just do a web search for enable file extensions to find instructions on how to do so.




This mod may help you. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15640

this one might help you a lot. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38090

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