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I tried the console once to get some extra gold, coz it seems to take forever to amass a decent amount for armor etc, but I ended up using it every time I came across something I wanted, houses, magical armour etc and it made the game too easy and ultimately boring, so I started again and so far I haven't used it for money, only used it a couple of times in the IC prison quest ( Dark Brotherhood ) to unlock doors as I'd ran out of lockpicks. One of the best ways to raise money straight off is to fight in the arena I think. :whistling:
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I only use the console to get myself out of glitchy or total BS situations. (Like once I resurrected myself because I quicksaved at the very moment I was dying) my game lags a lot so those come about alot. I am very thankful to have such a great tool. It's unfortunate it's not on the ps3 too. Mods are what seem to make me cheat more than console commands, because many of them are items which the creator didn't want to do the work of adding quests too so they unbalance the game. So sometimes I find myself at lvl 3 killing enemies at levels way higher than me with super-strong weapons and transporting some of them to my underground layer which I havent even found yet, so I can drop them into eternal pits of hell and feed them to rats and stuff. I try to only do this in desperate situations though, or when I'm having fun.
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I missed the point of that picture?

Mods I don't see as cheating...except god items and such, but its your game :)

I understand using the console for testing, but I find myself doing it all throughout the game.

With gold too...especially buying houses or modded armor that costs 15k +

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Haven't used the console. Except collision - when I get stuck between a rock and a hard place.


I have the item cost fix mod, but it only adds a couple gold to otherwise worthless items.

I start off with Slof's unicorn because I don't like to fight everything I come across in the

woods, and when I do I like to at least have time dismount. It outruns even the mtn. Lion (just).

If I get frustrated in in an Oblivion gate I just turn down the difficulty about 10%.


I'm happy with the weapons and armour I loot.


So, in short, cheating for me is basically senseless. Just set the level of difficulty to what is

appropriate to my skills, and away we go.

And beside - I like to get my monies worth. Why rush it ?

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i find myself when i start a new game just to get out of the area quicker main quest be damned i use tcl and tgm to get out of the prison to the sewer gate. a 15 minute quest takes 2 maybe 4 minutes. but i dont find myself cheating to get out of dying but i do find myself cheating to steal stuff from a castle. i sneak around see a guard click him then type kill.
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I agree, sometimes it's really hard not to use the console, especially when you just need 1000 extra coins to buy that shiny armor you've wanted ever since you first saw it!


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I agree, sometimes it's really hard not to use the console, especially when you just need 1000 extra coins to buy that shiny armor you've wanted ever since you first saw it!



It takes no time at all to gather 1000 gold.

Delayed gratification. AKA discipline.

That shiny armour ain't going now where.

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