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I was reincarnated, on to something that is actually relevant. Also,*said in a none offensive way* abortion seems very selfish. That baby has rights too. And to say that it is part of MY body (MY is is for emphasis), is not true. There is a totally different entity in that woman.



Have a nice day!


(From the one that is todays #1 poster :cheesy: )

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Theta Orionis, it isn't relevant. Personal experience isn't required to debate any other moral issue, so why should abortion be different? We don't demand experience with having someone close to you murdered before you can say murder is wrong. The fact that someone does not consider those issues as important as you do does not make them unqualified to discuss the overall moral question.




Genetically speaking, yes. That is basically all we are when you break it down. However, that is just the base of what we are. It is so simple, but develops into a complex system. Sorry if i did not clarify my self.


Concession accepted. You stated that the chromosome count test was enough to determine if something is human or not. Since you concede that there are other factors, the test is useless.


And another thing. God set nature into play. He doesn't controll whether a baby dies or not. God views life as precious. If he views life as precious, why would he kill something before it came out of the womb. God even says that they are innocent, so they have not sinned. They know not right from wrong.


If God is omnipotent, God decides to let the baby die. Refusal to do something about that death, especially when one could do it as easily as I breathe, is no more morally acceptable than murdering it yourself.


If you set blood out by itself in a petri dish will it make it self into a totally different being?


If you set a just-created "baby" out by itself in a petri dish it will not make itself into a totally different being either. The blood cells are just as human.


When a baby is first in the womb. it has about 100 stem cells.


You failed biology, didn't you? When a baby is first in the womb it has one cell. Then two, then four, etc.


Or are you arguing that abortion is acceptable before it reaches 100 cells, because it isn't a life yet?

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Peregrine: You totally missed the point i was making about the blood. It is part of the human system. With out blood the human dies. With out human the blood dies. This is as far as i can go without going into major religious concepts.


(From the guy who is still #1 in the top ten posters today! :cheesy: )

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Peregrine: You totally missed the point i was making about the blood. It is part of the human system. With out blood the human dies. With out human the blood dies.


You can remove a surprisingly large volume of blood without killing a person. Any individual blood cell is not an essential part of the human system.




Or are you claiming that if something can be removed without harming the person, the removed something isn't human?

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Again, you did not catch it. Without ANY blood. not a little, but any (which means the person has no blood in them what so ever!) then the brain cannot get oxygen. it cannot function. Therefore the human dies along with other vital systems not getting oxygen from the blood.


(From the guy who is still #1 in the top ten posters today! :cheesy: )


i hope you're haaving a nice day, because with these types of posts that i get, i am not. :angry2:

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  Peregrine said:
Theta Orionis, it isn't relevant. Personal experience isn't required to debate any other moral issue, so why should abortion be different? We don't demand experience with having someone close to you murdered before you can say murder is wrong. The fact that someone does not consider those issues as important as you do does not make them unqualified to discuss the overall moral question.






I maintain that it is very relevant.


Unless you simply follow a pre-set moral code like a sheep, it takes experience and thought to build up your own moral guidelines. And if you have no experience of something, how can you claim that the moral code you've acquired holds true?


You can't.


And murder is not an appropriate comparison at all. We all have an experience of life - and if we value life, we can at least gain an approximation of what losing a life means.

Compare it, rather, to breaking an oath to secrecy under torture. Unless you have been in the situation, you cannot judge people who been in one.


And even with murder, would you convict anyone before you know all the facts? Would you accept a court that judges people without having the relevant information?


Yet women who are having abortions are judged, all the time - frequently by braying mobs who don't care about the woman's background, the reasons behind her decision.


Because, of course, the members of that braying mob know that their moral judgement is the correct one.

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