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U.S. Federal Government officially shuts down!


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I was incorrect when 1st reading the polls. 70% were against a government shutdown over defunding Obamacare. This fight the Republicans have started was irrational thing to start to begin with.... Also the article you are pointing to was done after October 1st. Polls drastically change over even a day in politics. No point to start a debate over poll numbers....




Edit: The ACA has only been open for business for just two days now and has already had millions upon millions of people opted into the program it would seem....


For something Republicans have constantly argued as being an unpopular program that Americans reject, seem like they must have been talking to themselves. At the current rate of people even curious of opting into the system it will only be a matter of time till the entire nation is being covered under the ACA. It sure is a train wreck... a Train wreck that seems more popular than the tea party twitter followers for Cruz and all other republican representatives combined who are so strongly against "Obamacare"...


If the Republicans would just cave on this issue over passing a clean continuing resolution they would still win in my opinion. The Democrats have already agreed well below their terms in budget spending over the last year to the point it's almost as low as the paul ryan plan.... Yet Republican keep rejecting it forcing the defunding of the ACA into a continuing resolution?... This is obviously not about the budget anymore, its about undermining the Obama presidency as if the 2012 election never even happened....


As an update, If republicans keep pushing peace meal bills to open up only parts of government they wish to have open, why not just open up all government again? They forced this shutdown and now regretting it?


Find it ironic watching Fox news coverage seeing people like Michele Bachmann talking with WW2 veterans then pledging to keep the WW2 Memorial to stay open. This government shutdown is effecting the very entitlements these veterans actually depend on just to live their lives... What's the real point to keep the Memorial open for these veterans if these veterans might actually die from the lack of government financial support to help keep them living a comfortable life?


If anything these very same veterans probably need more than anything the very same Healthcare plan that the republican party has shutdown the government over...


Here are some interesting articles







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I honestly don't think the 2014 elections will change much of the congressional make up. Until the GOP loses complete legislative control in a large gerrymandered state, it's been estimated already that a majority of their seats are secured till at least the next national election cycle. The Democratic party might pick up a few seats but probably not enough to control the house again.


The thing that people are paying close attention to is Texas changing into a purple state. If Wendy Davis gets elected governor of Texas this coming election cycle, most likely the state will soon shift drastically in political power leading up to 24 possible seats to be taken over out of total of 32 in favor of the democratic party. If this is to happen and if Hillary Clinton wins the Next national election, most likely by 2016 or 2018 the Democratic party will have total control of federal government for the entire Hillary Clinton presidency assuming she wins for two terms.


I know you fear all branches of government being controlled by one party but it's becoming more evident considering by at least 2020 it's estimated White Americans will become a minority voting demographic and even more so a minority voting demographic in the state of texas. I honestly don't see the republican party changing their views on social policies which seem to alienate and/or discriminate women, African Americans, Hispanic and Latinos, LGBTs, and even Asians to a certain extent even when and if they might realize when it's too late for the party to drastically change in social ideology.


But don't get me wrong... this is just only my opinion how I see things unfold the rest of this decade.... I could be completely wrong guessing this.


One thing I find weird about this whole government shutdown is Ted Cruz and other republicans who supported Cruz's shutdown strategy are all trying to blame Harry Reid once they all realized Cruz had no endgame plan...

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Yeah, and 'immigration reform' is going to do wonderful things for the dem demographics. I really don't understand why the repubicans are even considering that kind of legislation, since it should be obvious to even the casual observer, that it will erode their power base even faster. If they think that supporting it is going to magically make some of them vote republican, they are sadly mistaken. Of course, it wouldn't be the first time a political party consciously cut their own throat.... I doubt it will be the last either.


I am not entirely sure what to expect at this point. Folks are pretty disgusted with our government, both sides..... but, I have seen this before, and nothing really changes. Folks still vote along their party lines, for the most part, and nothing really changes. I suppose it depends on just how far this goes. If the government actually defaults on the debt.... that has the potential to do very serious harm to not just the american economy, but the entire global economy. Falls Rome, falls the world? THAT would have absolutely disasterous effects on the republican party. The dems would point, and scream "THEY DID THIS TO YOU!" and the american public would beleive it. (it has the advantage of being true.....) In that event, I would expect the dems to pick up a slew of seats in both the house, and the senate. My worst nightmare come true.


I suppose, there is also the chance that should the government bring about a global economic collapse, maybe, finally, the american people will wake up, and take steps to take back their country from their corporate masters. It's a forlorn hope, but, a hope nonetheless.

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This is why the Republicans have totally lost this fight...




When you have Representatives commenting to the press saying stuff like this...


"We're not going to be disrespected. And so that's where we're at today, where we have to get something out of this. And I don't know what that even is." - Rep. Marlin Stutzman


You start to get a clearer idea what is actually going on...


Neither Democrats or the Republicans want the government to be shutdown... The thing is if neither side really wants the shutdown to continue then why should the Republicans be demanding anything else besides a clean continuing resolution? This is how a huge majority of the nation looks at this situation making the Republican party seem like the Bad guy no matter what they are asking for in return to resolve re-opening government. Besides not even knowing what they want it would seem no matter what they get if anything they would still feel "disrespected" and looked down upon but the reality is they only have themselves to blame for this whole mess....


The longer the Republican party holds out on not passing a clean continuing resolution then more the nation is staring at them in anger... The nation is not that stupid to think otherwise no matter how they try to spin and throw blame else where...


Edit: BTW after two days https://www.healthcare.gov got over 7 million unique visitors and still growing. More hits in a two day time period than anyone ever anticipated. The talks about the glitches were highly exaggerated unless it was just because of the sheer volume the 1st day of launch. For me it was almost instant to log into the enrollment menu...

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I can see what's important to this government, the amber alert website is down, yet Michelle Obama's Let's Move website is still up.


Google the sites for yourself if you don't believe me.


You know what would solve this? a clean continuing resolution.... not like the Obama administration or anyone has any control what is still being funded or not during a government shutdown it's a matter when a programs funds run dry. you could probably find dozens and dozens of examples of things that are still being funded that are not as important as others during a shutdown when the reality is the whole government needs to be funded. Which is why the house passing one peace meal bill at a time due to media outrage over selective programs is just a distraction to throw at the low information voters to try to put the shutdown blame on Harry Reid, Obama, or the democrats...


I bet if the government is shut down long enough you will start to see other government websites like Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" website disappear soon too. It's a matter of how much funding is still left to keep one program over the next still functioning.

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As usual color, you missed my point. Think about it this way, imagine Bush was still President and the Amber alert system was closed and Laura Bush's website was still open, would you still be so forgiving? Be honest, you'd be ranting and raving. I know eight years ago if this happened, I would be pissed at Bush, so I'm not going to give Obama a free pass either just because he's a democrat.

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