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Flamers = stupidasses...


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It seems that most flamers/trolls are pubescent/pre-pubescent teens/children with too much time on their hands. They use the Internet, the epitome of anonymity, to shield themselves from retaliation. They believe they can get away with things they would most likely never do in real-life. It serves to quench their twisted desires. I agree with many statements made in this thread, and it's really very simple: if you don't have anything constructive to say, keep your mouth shut.
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Unfortunately we can't do much about the trolls and flamers on the rest of the internet, But we do try to swat them when we catch them here. You can help by clicking on the report box at the bottom of the post where you see it. And a moderator will be along shortly to deal with them. Please don't try to deal with them yourself as that just starts flame wars that may get you banned along with them.


Thanks, bben46, Moderator

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I can agree here. Depending on the boards though, flame wars can be quite amusing. Especially when you know where the other person is sensitive :P Usually takes place on MMO boards when people get mad at me xD
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