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Soul Gems


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How do you get a soul in a soul gem. I have several empy ones in my inventory, but when I cast soul trap it just says that it didn't get a target. Most of my magic skills are above 40 so if anyone can lend any help it would be great.




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You might not have a large enough soul gem in your inventory. You have to cast soul trap, then kill the target before the spell expires. When you do that, it will transfer to the appropriate size soul gem in your inventory. Or is it giving you the same "failed to cast" message as with any other spell? If that, then you've just got bad luck I guess.
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How to trap souls in soul gems


Cast soul trap


Kill beastie before the soul trap spell expires


Job done. However doesn't work on people (maybe why its saying you can't get a target) it only works on creatures. You also need to make sure you have a big enough soul gem. The samll beasties (rats etc) can go in any gem, but the bigger ones need bigger gems (for a golden saint you need a grand soul gem - biggest there is) so you may not have a big enough gem


Having said that the best way to get them is to put soul trap on a weapon and have it cast when strikes saves having to switch spells.


Hope this helps, happy hunting

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Yes, when it says it didn't find a target, then that person/creature has no soul to trap.

I find it very amusing that everything but the people (excluding some unique ones, like Vivec) have souls. And here our religions, for the most part, say the opposite.


Quite ironic that most of the people don't have souls, but the ghosts do.

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I think it says somewhere in one of the books that the aedra (or the almsivi) protected the various races by preventing their souls from being stolen.

Nah, instead it's just UNETHICAL to steal someone's soul to power your sword! Go buy *insert brandname* batteries instead hehhehe :D

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