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Well voila I have made workshop ladders something simple that I should have made years ago




No clue why

does lead to a complete cell reload but at least you can climb up.
Animation can be used for vertical stairs. For example, make a door out of such a staircase with the sequences open, close, or use other necessary sequences to select floors. The invisible plane will, like an elevator, raise the character to a given level. I want to implement this method in my submarine in order to climb the wheelhouse. If you want, I can make such stairs - elevators of any shape.
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@South8028 - Is the stairclimb animation usable on a ladder - Even if it looks a bit off? Would be better than the fadeout caused by the player.moveto...


Perhaps that 'invisible plane' idea used in first person to give the illusion of climbing the ladder?

Edited by PJMail
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@South8028 - Is the stairclimb animation usable on a ladder - Even if it looks a bit off? Would be better than the fadeout caused by the player.moveto...


Perhaps that 'invisible plane' idea used in first person to give the illusion of climbing the ladder?

No. Can just "throw" the character on the desired floor. The plane of collision will come out of the "ground" and throw character to the desired floor, like an escalator. Probably, it is possible to make universal invisible elevators. To snap bs connect points on top of vertical ladders.
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