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[Script] PlaceatNode


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You can also simply create a new NiNode in Nifskope and name that node "REF_ATTACHNODE" and set node flags to 14. That's really all there's to it.


I'd maybe suggest skipping MoveTo on the player and, instead, doing SplineTranslateToRefNode and a FadeOutGame while translating.





It's an alternative, at least.


(also, yes, PlaceatNode is an awesome function...can be very handy and fun <nods> )

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No. Can just "throw" the character on the desired floor. The plane of collision will come out of the "ground" and throw character to the desired floor, like an escalator. Probably, it is possible to make universal invisible elevators. To snap bs connect points on top of vertical ladders.

Thanks South. I'm going with BlahBlahs version however. 600% faster this time. This will prove to be a cool function in the future


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