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Is there a game that has this?


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Ok I know this is a very random question but:


Are there any RPG's out there that lets you become a King?? ....


EXCEPT Gothic 3 because you dont exactly get to play as the King of Myrtana after it is completed.


Its just I have a strange fantasy to play as a King in game o_O. And like have a huge Kingdom to rule over and have a castle etc etc.


So um, does anyone know if there is any games that gives the player this? A game thats similar to Oblivion maybe and gives this?

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I don't think its like oblivion, but there's a game available to download for the wii, where your the king of a kingdom and build cities and order men to fight dragons and stuff. You actually play as the king and can walk around the game world.


I don't have it, nor can I remember what its called. Not much help, sorry.

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The 'troubles' of being a king in RPGs are that adventurers tend to become such, and this is the end of their adventuring days. There are known exceptions but even in these cases those exceptions are limited to a short ride against a very powerful and 'evil' menace... or much more common... the day after day of ruling duties or somewhat common too, the warfare. So it's not an RPG you want anymore, now you enters the realms of the Simulators or Strategic games and the above answers applies.


As recommendation I think you'd love Civilization, any from the ancient one to the almost nowadays Civ 4. It is a game that will face you with hard choices. It is NOT the best game to the warrior within, war is difficult to conduct in it's several phases... almost impossible at the latest ones. Yet they may ravage in the shape of minor border frays and almost aways it's to fight for some lusting and luring resource (sometimes I think the real world imitates it).


Some people don't like it because it is a TBS, a turn based game (although it have features that may place it in the gray area that separates the TBS from the RTS). I like to play it single player and pure TBS mode, because I have the time I want to look over my several cities and care on them personally, to plan ahead what resources I may have to deal with, if with the sword or the pen... to secure strategic points, what and where develop first... and you may have, already, got the idea.


PS: And you can actually choose the kind of ruler you want to be. Any type have vantages and advantages, and it's drawbacks too. A barbarian warlord will have easier days conducting a warlife (as one may imagine) and a democratic president may have to deal with riots if insist acting as a barbarian warlord. Persecuting the knowledge and technologies to allow the choose government type is a important strategic decision in itself.


PS2: To those, like me, that loves games that may go and go, at the pace we like, and may surpass sometimes months or even years... that you can put aside for a time and go for others things, and so return and continues, this is your man... errr, a mean, game. Or, conversely go for a bloodbath that may, and not seldom is, the yours. One shall never underrate or ignore the power of alliances. And as in the real life, alliances may come with different prices... one may like you and fear your enemy enough to extend a hand... or you may need to pay dearly for the help. The way you are seen by your fellow leaders or rivals plays wonders here. With some you will never even have that alliance.

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Thanks very much guys. Its just they are all old strategy games and all :(.


Are there no RPG's at all that lets you become a king, or at least a person who has a very high title such as a Duke or something?


Its just I may have to look for another RPG that originally gives this as nobody has made or maybe will not make a mod that lets you become the ruler of cyrodil or anything like that. And I cannot mod to save my life :(.

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For some reason, this thread made me think of dwarf fortress. Which is somewhere between an rpg (well, rogue-like) and a strategy game. It's not exactly what your looking for (the general premise is that you have 7 dwarves who go off to found a fortress, and as it gets bigger, you have more and more dwarves migrating to it, and more and more important nobles, until eventually it becomes the capital of the dwarven empire and the king moves there), but it is kind of similar-ish.


You could always name your most important dwarf after yourself, then drown the king and all his heirs in a pit of magma or something, and see if your dwarf gets made king, but I dunno if that would work or not :P

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Eh, I don't think there's any RPG in which you get to be king. As nosisab stated, a king usually sat in the castle and conducted his underlings. Now, you'd possibly like a game where you're a warlord, leading or following allies into battle. That's about as high as you go without becoming a desk jockey.
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Oh :(. Well its just it would be cool to be a really important figure such as a King or an Emporer etc.

And yea lead your Royal Army into battle and all.


its hard to explain why Id want this its just the whole feel of being a Monarch would be just....Fun o_O. Lol

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