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Should I post my mod?


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I recently made a mod for personal use. I wasn't planning on posting it on the Nexus, but I will depending on whether or not people think it's worth posting. It's a compilation of my minor fixes and balancing tweaks.



The mod makes trolls much tougher at all levels, but with a greater weakness to fire. That means fire is nearly required to kill them, as in fantasy literature and to a lesser extent, Oblivion.

To complement this change, striking an enemy with a torch burns them for a greater amount of time.


It also increases the damage bonus against werewolves and undead from silver weapons, because I found silver weapons very underpowered at most levels.


Some animals max level has been increased (but the min level has stayed the same). Mammoths, sabre cats, bears, wolves, and trolls all start out just as strong as in vanilla Skyrim, but they now increase in level with the player, meaning they simply don't become pathetic at higher levels.


Since the Targe of the Blooded's melee bash is pointless past level 5, I modified it to drain more health over a much greater amount of time, creating a 'slow bleed' effect, as its description would indicate.


Finally, since I was bothered by the fact that the Imperial Sword is a clone of the Steel Sword in stats, I made the Imperial Sword deal more damage each hit, but I decreased the range since it appears to be shorter.



I'm hesitant to post this because when I've posted similar minor mods in the past, they usually just get criticized for not being as good as SkyUI. In many cases it's simply not worth dealing with the detractors (who most of the time have not posted a single mod themselves).

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As with any mod, if you think that it is worth it, and you put time into making it as best as it can be (which you obviously have), then someone out there will use and enjoy it. I don't think that there's really any harm in posting it.

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I'm hesitant to post this because when I've posted similar minor mods in the past, they usually just get criticized for not being as good as SkyUI. In many cases it's simply not worth dealing with the detractors (who most of the time have not posted a single mod themselves).

Don't let your work be dictated and debunked by users who judge from other mods, this attitude of comparison really grinds my gears and usually comes from entitled babies that only use mods from the hot files/top files. Each mod is unique in it's own right and yours sounds cool, and something I would be happy to use because it's something I contemplated making for myself but never got around it and I have no doubt plenty of users would appreciate it regardless of how it works with SkyRe/UI/SiC etc.


If people can't be arsed to work out how to make mods work in harmony then it's only their loss not yours, and of course don't fall victim to competition game :wink:

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Anyone who takes the time to create Mods and freely shares them with the rest of us has my respect. You don't owe us anything. I think it's wonderful of you to even consider uploading your Mod. Just try to ignore the whiners, complainers and haters. (It's difficult to do this... trust me I know) Best of luck in whatever you decide. If you do share your Mod I hope it has great success. :smile:

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The mod sounds pretty cool. The best part is it makes small, but significant changes to the game, so it's a much better gaming experience overall.


Contrary to popular opinion, mods don't have to rewrite the entire game. All they have to do is make the game more fun to play. I know this because I was the development lead on a mod for a major title, and it was the smaller improvements people responded to positively more than the massive overhauls we released.


So, don't let the idiocy of the internet dictate what is a good, or bad mod.


Don't let the popularity (or lack thereof) a.k.a endorsements determine a mod's quality, either.

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I'm hesitant to post this because when I've posted similar minor mods in the past, they usually just get criticized for not being as good as SkyUI. In many cases it's simply not worth dealing with the detractors (who most of the time have not posted a single mod themselves).

I use a number of small "out of date" minor Mods, much preferring them over their big brothers....I run a stable, problem free game and believe that has a lot to do with the fact that I look for small effective changes not complete game mechanics overhauls....plus creating my own vision of my Game, not relying on solely on someone else's. I wish there were more small and updated Mods out there...I hope you choose to ignore the detractors Rennn and add to the small pool of minor Mods, there are still people who much prefer them and look for and hope for small Mods like this.

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