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Epitaph Suggestions


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No Problem Andyprime, Thanks for posting. Up to 200 Scripts 155 Stones so far. Right at 2/3rds of the way done after pulling an all nighter :P Keep 'em coming... May have to sleep soon though haha.
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May I suggest four:


Here below is Siobhan Scarbourne

Prepared to meet the Gods

Whether the Gods are prepared for her

is another question.



Mannix Scarbourne

Though the Vanquisher lies vanquished

beneath the stars above

His unvanquished spirit

soars the heavens with his true love



Meris Mournfall

Noble, True, Beloved




Last Maid of Myr

No longer mourns


At Rest.

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Antimar Fuerkrand - He feared the sky would fall on his head, he should look to the ground this time in the Jerall Mountains.


Alentus Lostius - He believed he could solve anything with words, yet he didn't know trolls gets annoyed with long discourses.


Nosmartus Antus - I was with him when he said: "They are just a few gobblins" or did tell him kobolds? I couldn't hear clearly that far away.

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  durham1984 said:
Thanks Myrmaad Will do. Appreciate them all :D :thanks:



Durham, this is an insanely cool project. Is it part of a larger mod, or will it standalone?


As you may have guessed, I wrote an epitaph for each of my characters.


I'm going to suggest your thread elsewhere, we have a character bio thread, and people with high investment in their characters' histories and biographies are likely to take an interest in your project, as well as offer some very creative epitaphs.

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Myrmaad, This... Hehe, Is My First Mod and for now it stands alone :) I Just wanted to make something I had not seen yet and something that was not too difficult. After research I Saw this was something that had not been done. It is not hard at all from a Mod/script kind of perspective, but is tedious and time consuming... Which for some reason I do not mind Haha. I am Over 2/3rds done with manual placement of each two part Tombstone, and the accompanying scripts. I will check into that post you mentioned for sure, thanks a lot =D

EDIT^ Where can I find that thread?

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Yes this an excellent project, I will definitely use as well.


I posted on your general mod talk thread, please check that out.


I'm actually going to announce and link your post and project on that site. Check your PMs.

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