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At what age is a person aware of their sexuality


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Sexuality is a sensitive subject that cannot be easily explained. When I was very young, around my days in preschool, I liked both boys and girls (I didn't know at the time what bisexuality was, and of course, what sex even was. But when I grew older, I realized that I was bisexual.) Sexuality is either something that you inherit (in which I did), can be influenced, or both. Yes, children are easily malleable, but adults don't give them as much credit as they should. If a five year old knows their own sexuality, then I think that this kid can decide for himself. Don't underestimate them.

This is not underestimating anyone. This is a child that seemingly determined that he both knew what being gay was and was indeed gay. I don't think a child that young would know the difference between liking and sincere affection which is love. He would have to be coached by someone that knows what being gay is, for him to make that comparison.


This was initiated by another person or group and spread by them without regard to the child.

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Though, I wouldn't really know about any "Gay Agenda"..

There is no gay agenda. That's just a conspiracy theory by far right wackos. They can't comprehend that the world has evolved past their Betty Crocker/Barney Fife/ Leave it to beaver existence. Society has taken a look at their morality and found it, small minded, hypocritical and obsolete.


They have to invent a conspiracy against them to account for their failure to control the narrative. If not then they will have to concede that they are no longer in charge, and that's frightening for people who have systematically repressed so many groups it isn't even funny. That's why they are so adamant about getting the White House back. They're probably afraid that those they've kept down would return the favor unto them.


Turn about is fair play, but I doubt those, now in the seat of power will do anything other than to make their presence know. Like Eddy Murphy said in 24 hours, "There's a new Sheriff in town"!


I'm just hoping he won't fizzle out after the midterm elections

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Sexuality is a sensitive subject that cannot be easily explained. When I was very young, around my days in preschool, I liked both boys and girls (I didn't know at the time what bisexuality was, and of course, what sex even was. But when I grew older, I realized that I was bisexual.) Sexuality is either something that you inherit (in which I did), can be influenced, or both. Yes, children are easily malleable, but adults don't give them as much credit as they should. If a five year old knows their own sexuality, then I think that this kid can decide for himself. Don't underestimate them.

I contend that a five year old has zero understanding of sex/sexuality, therefore, cannot possibly know if they are gay or not.

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There is no gay agenda. That's just a conspiracy theory by far right wackos. They can't comprehend that the world has evolved past their Betty Crocker/Barney Fife/ Leave it to beaver existence. Society has taken a look at their morality and found it, small minded, hypocritical and obsolete.


I wanted to pick up on this if it's ok.


The highlighted section is astonishing to me. Many people really have been completely robbed of their past and identity, even over the span of their lives. If in 1975 or even 1985, you suggested to any liberal you could find that the gays wouldn't stop until they had gay marriage, they'd have laughed at you. I can distinctly remember back when homosexuality was disdained and shunned even by the Left. And yet, not only here we are, every leftist you could care to speak to about the topic will be indignant at any suggestion that this was not a natural, rational thing and always has been. Despite this, most normal people are still ambivalent about homosexuality. Gay rights have barely made headway even in a wealthy country like Japan where all sorts of deviant sexual fetishes are honored and pornography is displayed in public newspapers.


I don't think the case has been made very convincingly that our modern reversal of these traditions has produced a better world; I rather think that our liberalism is itself a symptom of a mentally weak people whose culture has become exhausted by overpopulation and complexity and is now very, very disordered.


Society has never had an honest discussion about homosexuality. We've gone from a situation where homosexuality was extremely taboo and regarded as sinful, destructive and perverse to one where criticism of homosexuality is extremely taboo and regarded as sinful (i.e. a crime against p.c.), destructive (to our appreciation of diversity!) and perverse (in that it suggests unrecognized, gay tendencies, pathological backwardness, etc...).

Edited by MajKrAzAm
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There is no gay agenda. That's just a conspiracy theory by far right wackos. They can't comprehend that the world has evolved past their Betty Crocker/Barney Fife/ Leave it to beaver existence. Society has taken a look at their morality and found it, small minded, hypocritical and obsolete.


I wanted to pick up on this if it's ok.


The highlighted section is astonishing to me. Many people really have been completely robbed of their past and identity, even over the span of their lives. If in 1975 or even 1985, you suggested to any liberal you could find that the gays wouldn't stop until they had gay marriage, they'd have laughed at you. I can distinctly remember back when homosexuality was disdained and shunned even by the Left. And yet, not only here we are, every leftist you could care to speak to about the topic will be indignant at any suggestion that this was not a natural, rational thing and always has been. Despite this, most normal people are still ambivalent about homosexuality. Gay rights have barely made headway even in a wealthy country like Japan where all sorts of deviant sexual fetishes are honored and pornography is displayed in public newspapers.


I don't think the case has been made very convincingly that our modern reversal of these traditions has produced a better world; I rather think that our liberalism is itself a symptom of a mentally weak people whose culture has become exhausted by overpopulation and complexity and is now very, very disordered.


Society has never had an honest discussion about homosexuality. We've gone from a situation where homosexuality was extremely taboo and regarded as sinful, destructive and perverse to one where criticism of homosexuality is extremely taboo and regarded as sinful (i.e. a crime against p.c.), destructive (to our appreciation of diversity!) and perverse (in that it suggests unrecognized, gay tendencies, pathological backwardness, etc...).


It's opened up a far better world than we had when good measure of our citizens were kept in a perpetual state of fear, having them live a lie that hurt the loved ones they had, when the lie was revealed.


The reason why our society has never had an open and honest debate about any kind of sex, outside the considered norm is because the moralist would not let it happen. Even now, they use the excuse of not wanting to describe gay relationships with their children. Many are in denial of their own kids sexual activities. They were against any form of sexual education, because it was quote/unquote their responsibilities to talk to their children about that, and the result was that they never talked at all about it.


Gay marriage has not made the world safer because it was not meant to make the world safer for anyone except gay people and that, thankfully has happened.


The right can't have their cake and eat it too, anymore and frankly, the left can't shove their ideas down to throats of the populous, either. Change comes from within society, when society wants to change and not before. People, like these who posted this picture isn't happy with the pace and they can very well create a backlash of resistance, even with those who are gay if they start throwing children underneath the bus.

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I would have to agree with JimUk, you cannot put everyone into the same box, however, depending on

your environment you can be made more "sexually aware" through association.

At seven yrs old I can clearly remember the game of "Doctor Doctor" where my "difference" was highlighted

by a neighbours kid and I was made to feel "ashamed".

After telling my mother she had a fit and marched over to my neighbour and it all ended rather badly for the kid

his parents beat the living daylights out of him.


After that, my mother would regularly question me about the boys at school and that simply made matters worse

because now I was put into a position where my sexuality was a regular highlight in my life.

Quite frankly I couldn't understand all the fuss, all I wanted was my beads, drawing books, and my dog.

Things got worse when my mom caught me watching a program where two people were kissing.

All hell broke loose, and I got a good tanning.


So in short, overprotective parents mess up big time with the wrong approach.

And I wouldn't be too surprised if the kid in the picture's parents aren't doing the same.

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A friend of mine just gave me this link. This might be the same story and it might not.




Look at the authors title below her picture and the fact that the child is already familiar with gays being with guys and women being with women. This in itself means nothing. I am pleased that he is being raised in a family that doesn't teach hate, but I am concerned that he is too young to understand the differences between male-male friendship and affectionate attraction of a sexual nature, which is love.


Being around people of the same sex and being together is a familiar site to him, which is fine until you make the assumption that he completely understands what love is and divulge it to the world via "The Huffington Post."


The entire article seems suspect to me. I doubt if the kid said he liked girls that a strait mother would make such an extravaganza about it. I am thoroughly skeptical of her aims here. I don't think it has anything to do with the nurturing of a child!

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Sexuality is a sensitive subject that cannot be easily explained. When I was very young, around my days in preschool, I liked both boys and girls (I didn't know at the time what bisexuality was, and of course, what sex even was. But when I grew older, I realized that I was bisexual.) Sexuality is either something that you inherit (in which I did), can be influenced, or both. Yes, children are easily malleable, but adults don't give them as much credit as they should. If a five year old knows their own sexuality, then I think that this kid can decide for himself. Don't underestimate them.

This is not underestimating anyone. This is a child that seemingly determined that he both knew what being gay was and was indeed gay. I don't think a child that young would know the difference between liking and sincere affection which is love. He would have to be coached by someone that knows what being gay is, for him to make that comparison.


This was initiated by another person or group and spread by them without regard to the child.



Okay, I see your point. Yes, I do agree that a child can have a remote understanding of whether or not they like boys or girls (or both). Affection, a.k.a love? Most likely not, because as you said, they would be too young for that. Makes sense to me.



HeyYou: You're wrong. A child at that age is too young to understand sex and what love really means, but they can show signs of their sexuality from a young age. Granted, I did not know what sexuality was at the time, but by piecing together clues from my the memories that I still have, I was bisexual then as I am now. I knew that I liked both, but I didn't know what to call it. I'm not the only that I know who had a fondness for both boys and girls at that age.

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Sexuality is a sensitive subject that cannot be easily explained. When I was very young, around my days in preschool, I liked both boys and girls (I didn't know at the time what bisexuality was, and of course, what sex even was. But when I grew older, I realized that I was bisexual.) Sexuality is either something that you inherit (in which I did), can be influenced, or both. Yes, children are easily malleable, but adults don't give them as much credit as they should. If a five year old knows their own sexuality, then I think that this kid can decide for himself. Don't underestimate them.

This is not underestimating anyone. This is a child that seemingly determined that he both knew what being gay was and was indeed gay. I don't think a child that young would know the difference between liking and sincere affection which is love. He would have to be coached by someone that knows what being gay is, for him to make that comparison.


This was initiated by another person or group and spread by them without regard to the child.



Okay, I see your point. Yes, I do agree that a child can have a remote understanding of whether or not they like boys or girls (or both). Affection, a.k.a love? Most likely not, because as you said, they would be too young for that. Makes sense to me.



HeyYou: You're wrong. A child at that age is too young to understand sex and what love really means, but they can show signs of their sexuality from a young age. Granted, I did not know what sexuality was at the time, but by piecing together clues from my the memories that I still have, I was bisexual then as I am now. I knew that I liked both, but I didn't know what to call it. I'm not the only that I know who had a fondness for both boys and girls at that age.


I completely disagree. children that age are not sexual beings. They have no clue what its all about. (love, or sex) You may see what you believe are 'indciators' of your future sexuality while looking back, but, I would more attribute that to looking for a question that you already know the answer to. Your perspective isn't exactly unbiased, you are falling into the same trap that psychologists have in the past. You already know the result, so, it is easy to look at things and say "See this was an indicator." With absolutely zero basis in scientific fact.


Children, by their very nature, are incapable of determining their sexual orientation at so young of an age. They have no understanding of sexuality in general, let alone, what it all means.

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This is an interesting topic, and an extremely complicated one, that connects to practically everything there is.


I read a lot of conspiracy theories to pass the time when I'm board, so I've heard of the gay agenda, I'm going to try to be neutral as humanly possible. Also keep in mind that society has rapidly changed normals from a few decades ago, where this behavior was punishable for whatever reasons that were used by people back then. http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-alien003.gif


Now where to begin, well, I think we should begin at Homosexuality History and why it is actually a taboo to criticize or even examine into. Many people like to cite other things as to why this behavior is normal, or acceptable, going from everything in the Animal Kingdom to Ancient Human History, giving examples such as Animal Homosexuality, to Ancient Human Cultures doing it even down to Genetics. There are problems with each and everyone of these of course, such as in the Animal Kingdom Homosexuality is a form of domination were by males compete over who is the strongest, you can see this because its usually the male animals who are the Homosexuals. The problem with Ancient Human Cultures doing it is that is there are a hole other lot of things they did, that are considered barbaric whilst everything from pedophile and bestiality were socially acceptable, to various other strange things that shall not be named. The Genetics is the most interesting because modern scientists are in a conundrum, they have spent massive amounts of money trying to find the Genome that makes people Homosexual, and they cannot say they have found it because they are not sure they actually have. Therefore the modern scientists are inside two different mind sets, on one hand they have the scientists that state its a mental issue, and its impossible to be born that way, then there are the other scientists who say that they merely have to look in the right place for it in order to find it.


The interesting thing is when you step back and objectively look, why do we really care about what other people think is because Humans are a social animals; we need the validation of the rest of society to be socially accepted, you can see this with everything. This all really depends on what a person thinks is right or wrong and what he can and cannot do; technically pedophile is a sexual preference so is bestiality, which comes down to freedom, what you can or cannot do and what you can or cannot get away with, really depends on what other people happen to think.


There is something else happening here that you can see in politics as well, when you give a certain group special privileges the other groups are going to see that and demand the same type of special treatment, otherwise they are being discriminated against. This type of behavior is peculiar, in the sense that what is happening is that we are normalizing everything that Humans will do as acceptable, meaning that we can effectively normalize deviant behavior as being discriminatory, against those type of individuals whom or who it may not associate with it.


I'm only listing what I have seen and heard, my opinion is I couldn't care less, than what I do at the moment.

Edited by Hardwaremaster
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