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Constantly falling through the ground?


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After downloading and modifying all of my mods, I began a playthrough and played for about 20 minutes with no problems, then I suddenly began falling through the ground then teleporting back up. I tried loading a save where this wasn't happening but I had the same problem. I genuinely have no idea what's going on.

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Heyas Xavier.

Ok this is a term that we refer to as "falling off the world". Which, is pretty much exactly what is happening to your character. I've seen it happen in cases where people enter into custom worldspaces (cells) where there is nothing underneath them that is defined as "terrain" and so there's nothing there to hold them up. Literally. in Fallout 76, they had a problem with characters falling between "terrain" blocks. Or the gaps between the meshes used in the 3d objects.

There is even at least 2 dev (developer) cells, in this game, where there are large spaces with no terrain, that you can fall off of.


Now, as to what you did, when "modifying your mods" or what you installed, that may have caused the problem.... I have absolutely no idea :(

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NIce. Glad to hear that you got it sorted out. And that you're not falling off the world anymore :D


Are you using any other mods that affect terrain? Like a snow mod, or mod that adds a lot of plants/trees around the area? it might be a mod conflict, causing a problem with the precombines?

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