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why do i still have armorsmith?


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ok, i had a MAJOR issue with my game where i can't get past "ms rhea's armorsmith" and so i decided to make a new game and reinstall ALL my mods and make sure i don't have anything related to armorsmith, well after a week of remodding and figuring out stuff i managed to get stuff to a point i thought i could play again..


is there a way i can post my load order and have someone help me figure what mod is doing this, i litterally can't use settlement mode because of this and that basically locks out half the game!


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Guest deleted34304850

you've obviously not cleaned out your data folder. its more than likely that you have a load of stuff in there that isn't managed by your mod manager - as its not managed by the mod manager, the mod manager won't delete the files (no mod manager will do that).

so, if you want a clean game - purge all your mods in vortex, then either empty or delete your data directory, then get steam to validate your local files - and bingo - vanilla game ready for you to mess up with mods.

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