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Thats the problem with Morrowind, and i expect with Oblivion. They are getting so close to imitating most parts of a MMORPG in the realistic NPC's and such, obviously in place of real people, but the fact of the matter is that online you get the chance to be better than other people, and offline that feeling isnt replicated when lording it over NPCs. Thats the reason the majority of features, like crafting, wont be put in. My thought, anyway.
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Argh! Chatspeak...

Anyway...One big problem with enchanting: Logically, one would be able to make a good living off making and selling enchanted items, but in MW, you do not get ANY price increase for enchanted items---even if the enchantment is identical to one of the defaults. I do hope we get a better glow for enchanterific stuff, though.

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I would like to see crafting - creating custom armours and weapons would be awesome. But they would have to be used for actual weapons and armour, not to be sold. Kind of hard to explain...


And I believe potion-making/enchanting will be a minigame.


And yes, I do think everything is too shiny. :tongue:

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1. Building swords and armour isn't part of everyday life.  Nor was it in the medieval times, and I can assure you it's not in the world of Tamriel.


2. With BethSoft's decision to make this game mainstream, I can guarantee you that they won't "imitate the normal everyday things of real life."  If I wanted ot cook a steak, I'd go cook one in real life.


3. Since when did game developers leave decision-making to the gamers?  It's not like I can say, "Bethesda - I want the game this way," and they'd say, "OK.  Whatever the public wants."


Rud's right - someone will mod Oblivion to include crafting.  It's near-inevitable.


1. Building swords and armor was done in a minor way in Tribunal so I don't see why the feature wouldn't be in Oblivion


2. They didn't "decide to make it mainstream" they decided to make a good game that will appeal to a larger audience but Oblivion, like the rest of the Elder Scrolls series, will remain one of the most vast and lore-extensive RPGs out there


3. No, they still make the final decisions, but if enough people want a certain feature in the game, and they have the time in resources to add it then it's quite likely it will be included.

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Thats the problem with Morrowind, and i expect with Oblivion. They are getting so close to imitating most parts of a MMORPG in the realistic NPC's and such, obviously in place of real people, but the fact of the matter is that online you get the chance to be better than other people, and offline that feeling isnt replicated when lording it over NPCs. Thats the reason the majority of features, like crafting, wont be put in. My thought, anyway


Having thought about it though, if they can make the faction system more competive and realistic there's a possibility being the best could give you a sense of achievement.


Take, for example, progressing in the ranks of the Thieves Guild only to find others are trying to gain prestige in the guild too. You're constantly competing with others for a higher rank, maybe knocking off a few on your way up as you find out about their missions and likely places you could "bunk them off" without them knowing. This should be possible with this new Radiant A.I. system Bethesda seem to be boasting about, but will it happen? Unlikely?


Crafting could also open up questing opurtunities. Rather than being told to go to Ancestral Tomb X because there's an uber l337 sword there, you could be sort after by the Imperial Legion to create some decent swords, which would require you to go off in search of the appropriate materials, and then create the item.


It does open up possibilities yet I fear Bethesda will probably overlook them since 50% or more of people won't want to touch such a system.

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Having thought about it though, if they can make the faction system more competive and realistic there's a possibility being the best could give you a sense of achievement.


Take, for example, progressing in the ranks of the Thieves Guild only to find others are trying to gain prestige in the guild too. You're constantly competing with others for a higher rank, maybe knocking off a few on your way up as you find out about their missions and likely places you could "bunk them off" without them knowing. This should be possible with this new Radiant A.I. system Bethesda seem to be boasting about, but will it happen? Unlikely?


Crafting could also open up questing opurtunities. Rather than being told to go to Ancestral Tomb X because there's an uber l337 sword there, you could be sort after by the Imperial Legion to create some decent swords, which would require you to go off in search of the appropriate materials, and then create the item.


It does open up possibilities yet I fear Bethesda will probably overlook them since 50% or more of people won't want to touch such a system.


Thats true; i always wanted something like that in MW. Like the competitiveness that, um, whatshisname, the Balmora Mages Guild, and the enchanter there had. It would be nice to learn of some secret project they were working on and accidentally... misplace... a part of it. Thats would add so much to the reality of the game. Although like you, i'm not sure if even Radiant will be able to function in at that level of detail.


About the cool crafting missions that you mentioned, that is the painful truth of the matter. Now that PC developers have to cater for, :angry2: growl, XBox gamers (sorry guys, im sure you're the exception ot the rule), have to dumb down their games to suit a console experience (i'm not sure if an Xbox version of Oblivion is planned or not - i think i remember reading something about the new one may not be ready in time for the release). This also applies to the annoying thing of having to appeal to a "wider audience". For this reason the crafting feature won't be included - not enough people will go for it.


I have a question then Dark0ne, if i had enough people copntact bethesada with a game idea there might be a slight chance of that actually happening, lol, ?


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Not sure if it would make a difference, but you never know.


EDIT: Oops, sorry Dark0ne, i just realised i pretty much echoed your exact words. Sorry :embarassed: . Shows i agree with you though.

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