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Are You a Litterbug When You Play Oblivion?

David Brasher

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In the real world, I never litter, but when I play Oblivion something comes over me.


I travel the roads a lot because I think fast travel in Oblivion is really fake and immersion-breaking. I kill lots of bandits on the roads. I take all their weapons, and all of their clothing and armor, except that which is needed to preserve their modesty. I keep the valuable items to pawn, and dump the rest of the stuff in the road because I am a compulsive litterbug. As time goes by, the roads get trashier and trashier. All the bandit spawn-points have large piles of gear cluttering the way. The roads are my trophy collection and bring a smile to my face.


I start to wonder why the bandits are trying to rob a great hero like me. They could make a good living picking up and selling the trash I leave in the road.


One of these days an Imperial Legionaire is going to catch me and haul me to jail for littering.

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I have to admit, having to dump something to make more room in your inventory is definitely something I do, but I really prefer not to have to. I mean, there's still gotta be that leather shield I dropped in the memorial cave, simply because I had just barely enough space for the potions I wanted, and I really wish I could have kept it with me. even just to sell, but my point stands
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i guess i would be considered the water litterbug if i find something that i didnt mean to pick up when i am dropping off the loot from my last hunt, i take it swim to the middle of a body of water and drop it. usually its clay pots and crap like that but i have also been dropping clothing that has no armor or money value. and like everyone else who plays this game when i get over-encumbered and cannot move (the only thing i hate about this game) i can dump like 40 items so i can keep that shiny armor i just picked up.
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I think I'm even worse, I deliberately break into peoples houses to chuck their stuff around, it really gives me a good feeling when I see someone's house completely covered in items. Sometimes I use an area effect shock spell to get maximum item-floor coverage.


My favorite place was Jagnots imperial city library (mod) SO MANY BOOKS TO CHUCK AROUND!!!

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i have a hard time droppping items...like when i get an enchanted daedric 2h blunt i take even though i'm a blade fanatic and don't have much sapace left. I use ease burden spells every time. If i take something completly useless like glasses, plates and so one, i drop them anywhere and if it is outside i use a telekinesis spell to trow them into "space" :whistling:
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Well i usualy play in god mode to avoid anoying overencumarance and re-loading games due to deaths so it wasnt a problem until the looting winodw got a delay because it ahd to load the hundreds of items,I tried to throw them all out in the sanctuary of the DB buyt quickly found myself traped in my own items.Especialy the fact hat the staffs(witch i have atleast 30 of) were like supports and i couldnt get out!So i had to reload a game and this time im probably im just gona go ontha huge bridge near the IC and dump everything in the river xD.
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