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Quick Question - Quick Answer


This thread is for all those small modding questions that need asking, but might not feel big enough for a thread of their own. If you have a modding question that you think could be answered in just one or two posts, this thread is a good place to ask it. Of course, different people will be able to answer questions on different topics, so anyone and everyone is encouraged to join in and answer questions.


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Can you tell me whats wrong with my Script, I made a thread, but no ones responding and I REALLY need help with it.


It needs to be able to give me different weapons depending on what button I push in the message box.




SCN PhaserScript

Short ButtonPressed

Begin ScriptEffectStart

ShowMessage PhaserMessage


Begin ScriptEffectUpdate

Set ButtonPressed to GetButtonPressed

If ButtonPressed == 0

Player.Additem WeapPhaserStun 1 1
Player.EquipItem WeapPhaserStun 1
Player.RemoveItem WeapPhaser 1 1

ElseIf ButtonPressed == 1

Player.Additem WeapPhaser 1 1
Player.EquipItem WeapPhaser 1
Player.RemoveItem WeapPhaserStun 1 1


Begin ScriptEffectFinish
Player.Additem PhaserChange 1 1

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Please don't centre-align your scripts, as it makes them rather difficult to read.


I think the problem is that you're using a ScriptEffectUpdate block to detect the press of a button. Although GameMode blocks will run while a menu is open, the game is paused so I would assume that effects will not be updating themselves every frame, so ScriptEffectUpdate blocks won't be running.


I would recommend that you use a token (an unplayable, therefore invisible piece of armour) to display your message instead. Instead of applying a scripted effect to the player, you should use AddItem to add a single instance of a scripted token with a script like this:

ScriptName PhaserScript

short ButtonPressed

Begin OnAdd
ShowMessage PhaserMessage

Begin GameMode
set ButtonPressed to GetButtonPressed

if ButtonPressed == -1; If no button has been pressed
	Return; Don't run any more code
elseif ButtonPressed; If ButtonPressed is true, i.e. 1
	player.AddItem WeapPhaser 1 1
	player.EquipItem WeapPhaser 1
	player.RemoveItem WeapPhaserStun 1 1
else; If ButtonPressed is false, i.e. 0
	player.AddItem WeapPhaserStun 1 1
	player.EquipItem WeapPhaserStun 1
	player.RemoveItem WeapPhaser 1 1

player.AddItem PhaserChange 1 1

Hope that helps,



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No, that didn't work.


The message didn't appear when I used the token.


Infact it didn't even add the token at the end


Anyother ideas?


Ohh BTW, I'm using an ingestible as my token and the script itself is an effect script which goes through a base effect and then to the token.


Does that help?

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I got it working now, however, when I use it, it equips the weapon, but it doesn't let me unequip or drop the weapon, whats wrong with it?


I had to put the ScrptEffectStart and Update back on to get it working.




WHOO IT WORKS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!


Heres the final Script:


SCN PhaserScript

short ButtonPressed

Begin ScriptEffectStart
ShowMessage PhaserMessage
player.AddItem PhaserChange 1 1

Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
set ButtonPressed to GetButtonPressed

if ButtonPressed == -1; If no button has been pressed
	Return; Don't run any more code
elseif ButtonPressed; If ButtonPressed is true, i.e. 1
	player.AddItem WeapPhaser 1 1
	player.EquipItem WeapPhaser
	player.RemoveItem WeapPhaserStun 1 1
else; If ButtonPressed is false, i.e. 0
	player.AddItem WeapPhaserStun 1 1
	player.EquipItem WeapPhaserStun
	player.RemoveItem WeapPhaser 1 1

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Ohh BTW, I'm using an ingestible as my token and the script itself is an effect script which goes through a base effect and then to the token.
You should be using a piece of armour as your token (with the "playable" checkbox unticked so that it isn't visible in the player's inventory), and the script should be an object script that is attached directly to it.


When you want to show the message, you should use AddItem to add the token to the player's inventory. When this is done, the script attached to the token (which I posted above) should cause the messagebox to display, and detect which button the player presses.



As far as I know, script halts only occur when using invalid "ref" variables. For example, trying to call a reference function on an uninitialised "ref" variable.



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I don't know how to make this a general question, so I'll detail what I want to do specifically.


I want pyromaniac to modify the duration a subject burns for. This has been racking my mind for the past few days and I can't figure out an elegant solution in which only an actor with the pyromaniac perk gets the benefit. All of my "solutions" end up with the problem of having all flame weapons, including non-player flame weapons, gaining the benefit of the pyromaniac perk when the player chooses the perk.

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You could probably edit the burning enchantment, and make it have two effects, 1 short, 1 long.


The long one will have 2 conditions if the 'user' is the player AND if the player haves piromaniac


The short one will ask if the user is not the player OR the player doesn't have piromaniac


Should work.

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