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Quick Question - Quick Answer


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edit5: Screw it I'll just make it an unplayable ammo type.
Like TGBlank mentioned, tokens should be armour - that way that can be checked as "unplayable" and have scripts attached.


You don't look to understand , i have a plane , but the good face is not lit by the sun , when the sun is in front , the back is lit , when they sun is in the back , the front is lit
I'm far from a modelling expert, but perhaps you could simply place a two light references next to your flag in order to light both sides? If I remember correctly, certain types of lights will change their colour and intensity depending on the time of day in order to emulate natural light, so it could work quite well.



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New question. Is it possible for a weapon to just drain from the ammo pool and not require a clip?
You could try giving them 0 rounds per clip, although I'm not sure if that would work. If it doesn't, I'd recommend giving them 0 ammo use and removing the ammunition via script. You could use something like this:
int iIsEquipped
int iIsFiring
ref rContainer

Begin OnEquip
set iIsEquipped to 1

Begin OnUnequip
set iIsEquipped to 0

Begin GameMode
if iIsEquipped
	; Calling reference functions on an uninitialised "ref" variable will halt the script
	if rContainer
		; This switch is only true when the value returned by rContainer.GetAnimAction == 2 changes
		; i.e. when the wielder starts or stops firing
		if (rContainer.GetAnimAction == 2) != iIsFiring
			set iIsFiring to iIsFiring == 0
			if iIsFiring ; When the weapon is fired
				rContainer.RemoveItem <Ammo EditorID> 1 1
		set rContainer to GetContainer





Hopefully there's a simpler way though - whenever I don't know the solution to a problem my mind jumps instantly to scripting so I sometimes recommend a needlessly complicated scripting solution. In this case, however, I don't think there is another way - I can only hope to be proven wrong.



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Maybe if you edit the model and give it some thickness so it isn't entirely bidimensional?.


it's entirely "bidimensional" , but i made horns wearable for my character , it's 2 "cylinder" so it's tridimensional , and it has the same problem , so i dont know how to solve it :confused: add lights for my wearable horns is far to be a solution anyway


EDIT : finaly , the problem of bidimensional was right , i wore again my horns and the sun light the good face of my horns , thank you so much ;)

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To anyone's knowledge does the radio and topic tabs work the same way?


i'm all used to doing dialogue for npc's now, and i tried to make a radio station earlier and failed horribly. why?


hello is the same as a greeting right? topics are the same as topics in dialog right? bah!


like seriously, i'm smoking out dialogue like it's going out of style, gonna have a lot of fully voiced npc mods very soon. but after my world space debacle of 09, i don't know if i can bear another complete misunderstanding of the radio tab.....



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Hi! I mistakenly posted a different thread... I suppose this was the more appropriate thread. Sorry = /


As far as I have read and seen, the standard practice for creating cells is by duplicating existing ones. I run in to trouble when I try to duplicate Wasteland cells, the large terrain cells that compose the Capital Wasteland. When I duplicate those cells nothing happens, no copy is created. The interiors duplicate just fine, I can't figure out whats wrong with the exteriors. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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Another fire question


So I was working on my fire mod, playing around with different effects when suddenly certain weapons begin failing to apply the fire graphical effect to actors. Because I hadn't done a very good job with baby steps, I had no idea what could cause this error, so I decided to start from scratch and go through it methodically.


Now I have the pyromaniac script TGBlank suggested a few posts back and all of my effects are working well. My basic flamer enchantment looked like:


Fire Flee ;Causes enemies to flee when lit
Pyro Check ;Checks of pyro perk on player
Flamer Fire Damage ;Causes fire damage
Flamer Burn ;Applies Graphical Effect


Now, I went in and made two "flamer fire damage" effects. Both have conditions that check whether or not the player has pyromaniac. This is when I started seeing problems. So basically right now my basic flamer enchantment looks like


Fire Flee 
Pyro Check 
Flamer Fire Damage ;Condition: player.hasperk pyromaniac == 1
Flamer Fire Damage ;Condition: player.hasperk Pyromaniac == 0
Flamer Burn 


I entered the game, equipped the flamer, and toasted a raider, and no fire effects came up. He still took damage and fled and he did so for the appropriate amount of time, but he had not fire graphics.


So I loaded up the other playtesting save where the character has pyromaniac, and the flamethrower worked exactly as coded. Flames, damage, fleeing, everything.


It gets weirder. Afterwards, I decided to reverse the to flamer fire damage effects, so instead of what it is up top, it is:

Fire Flee 
Pyro Check 
Flamer Fire Damage ;Condition: player.hasperk pyromaniac == 0
Flamer Fire Damage ;Condition: player.hasperk Pyromaniac == 1
Flamer Burn 


This caused the situation to reverse. The pyromaniac-less save casted flame effects, but the pyromaniac save didn't.


Any idea why this is or how to fix it? I'm going to try creating to flamer burns to accompany the conditions, but I somehow don't think it'll work.


edit: I must clarify, the target does not have flame effects, but it still SMOKES. It's sorrounded in a slight haze and smoke erupts from its body, but no live fire effects. This makes me fairly certain that the fire effect is casting, it just isn't casting properly.

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