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I'm trying to get a custom header for a couple of terminals I made, as outlined on the GECK wiki here. I even copied and pasted that exact script verbatim to test it out first. Did it with FOSE'd GECK and I use FOMM. I fire up my game and I'm still getting the normal Robco headers. So I go sniff around Project Valhalla's esp to see what they did and if it was working on their terminal and it works for them. Only thing different was a second activate at the end of the code block; tried that to and failed. What am I doing wrong?
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I've asked this at the mods page, but I'll give it a go here as well.


I'd like to use TYPE3RAIDERTEXTURES by dimon99, but the only way I can do that is to disable Marts Mutant Mod with the Fallout Mod Manager. If I delete the textures installed by MMM for raiders and raidersfemale, I see the skin just in pink. I have already installed TYPE3RAIDERTEXTURES which are in the Textures\Characters folder, but the game loads the ones which are in Textures\MMMF3\Characters folder. This is what I don't want.


Does anybody know how I can keep MMM, remove the raiders textures installed by it or just tell the game to use TYPE3RAIDERTEXTURES by dimon99 which are in the Textures\Characters folder?



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@Alucard: You could just copy the textures over the top of the ones that MMM is using. Or you could open up the .esp of MMM and change the place of the textures. I'd say the first option is much faster though.
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There is none to my knowledge. just fiddle with the perks, see what does what.


The best way to learn :) Most of what I know is from fiddling with (and breaking hehe) things, and the occasional tutorial for more complex stuff. Incidentally, I'm still looking for a way to check the condition of weapons/armour that the player is carrying, I don't particularly mind dropping the formlists and doing it manually in script, formlists are just convenient for quickness, but not so much when they don't work as I want. It's obviously possible as RemoveAllItems does it.... I'm just hoping like hell it's not hard coded somewhere we can't access, which given my lack of results searching out anything else that does this on the GECK wiki I'm beginning to think might be the case.

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What I need is what numbers to use for 'PRAD tune ???' for Enclave, Agatha and GNR. PRAD is PipboyRadio


EDIT: Problem solved using the name of the Reference was enough to tune to that station.

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