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Oh, right, I didn't realise that "TerminalChange" was the EditorID of your script. In that case, what you're doing is correct so ideally it should be working. If you'd prefer to continue this via PM or in its own thread, that would probably be easier - it looks like this issue might need a few posts worth of troubleshooting to fix. Once a solution has been found I'll edit it into this post so that anyone who has been following your posts will be able to see it.



From the OP:


  • ask questions about using mods - this thread is for answering questions about creating mods

Load order questions are about using mods, so they don't really belong in this thread.



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The main problem with attempting to move inventory items from one container to another is that, for equipment, you either have to use RemoveAllItems or somehow get the health of the item and use AddItemHealthPercent. Without FOSE, only the health of an equipped weapon can be returned via script.




Yep, that's exactly where I hit a brick wall, figuring out how to get the health and keep it intact somehow during the move.

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The main problem with attempting to move inventory items from one container to another is that, for equipment, you either have to use RemoveAllItems or somehow get the health of the item and use AddItemHealthPercent. Without FOSE, only the health of an equipped weapon can be returned via script.




Yep, that's exactly where I hit a brick wall, figuring out how to get the health and keep it intact somehow during the move.

Ah - I wasn't thinking of the item health part. Does it work if you don't care about preserving the health? Just curious.

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I hope this hasnt been discussed before.


I have created some new NPC's, the important ones feature new dialogue, the others are just there... well, to be there.

Right now if you talk to those "unimportant" NPC's it'll open the standart dialogue...

What i want is them to behave like other bystanders, i dont want a dialogue to open... how would i got abut that?


Thanks in advance.

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A GREETING line (no prompt) with the "Goodbye" option enabled should do exactly what you want. Also be sure to set a condition so that it is only used by those characters you want to use it, and remember that unless you're doing the voice files, you'll need the general subtitles option enabled in-game to actually see their greeting text.
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I'm trying to make an NPC find and initiate dialogue with the player. I thought this was done with the Dialogue AIPackage, but that's not working out for me. I choose Specific Reference and the PlayerRef is listed in my cell, but once I hit okay, it changes the cell (to agatha's house since it's first on the list). If I choose another NPC instead of the PlayerRef it works fine, which makes me think that the AIPackage isn't the right way of doing what I want to do. Anyone able to shed some light on this for me?
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Ok. New problem. I've got a bunch of variables set by a script. How do I display these to the screen? Currently I have it all set up so that at the press of a button the values are set and on release, I want them to be displayed. Any ideas? I tried putting them into a Message but that doesn't work.
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