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Cropsford Empty...


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Hey everybody :)

Recently I completed the quest to stop that goblin war so the people at that camp could build and start their village (Cropsford) and I've been back a couple of times checking up on their progress. The last two times though there's only one NPC there. He says he's comfortable eventhough he didnt think he would be, the village is complete and the crops are there but still, all of the others are missing. I read their archer would leave and move to another town (Havnt seen her either as a matter of fact) but it seems everybody except the happy guy is dead. My last time there I did see a troll close and this time a bear not far away.

I read he may get *Stuck other places wandering so I tried the command to move him to me, nothing happened. I also tried the setstage to set that quest to an earlier setting but again nothing.

Is there anyway I can bring those peeps back and reset the quest (Prefferably at 3/4same time?

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You can always move to them to see where they are or what they are doing but did you check inside the houses? https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Cropsford


Open the conole and type:

player.moveto 3186D
player.moveto 3186B
player.moveto 31868

If they are dead, you can resurrect them by clicking them and type:

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Nothing. Same as the other times I've been back looking around. Only one left is Binkel the happy guy but the main guy Berther(?) and the other are totally gone. Dead bodies do disappear after awhile and I'm still sure that's what happened here. I can easily reset the quest to 1-3 (of 4) and start over but will that bring the NPC's back? Anyway, I still think they're dead and back to my 1st question, "is there a way to bring them back?"

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You can create a script and use the references of the Cropsford NPC's to enable them then optionally move them to Cropsford.


Want to know more?

:) This sounds promising; would they *Resume their roles at whatever stage the village is at at that time?

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You can create a script and use the references of the Cropsford NPC's to enable them then optionally move them to Cropsford.


Want to know more?

:smile: This sounds promising; would they *Resume their roles at whatever stage the village is at at that time?


As long as no mod alters their AI schedule.



According to UESP a simple code should fix your problem https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Goblin_Trouble#Bugs

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You can create a script and use the references of the Cropsford NPC's to enable them then optionally move them to Cropsford.


Want to know more?

:smile: This sounds promising; would they *Resume their roles at whatever stage the village is at at that time?


As long as no mod alters their AI schedule.



According to UESP a simple code should fix your problem https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Goblin_Trouble#Bugs


Great, Thanks. I Kept searching for "Cropsford", that's where I found the "prid 0003186D moveto player" and "SetStage ms46fin 2" however neither seemed to change anything. That's when I really started believing the other 2 (maybe the archer also) were dead from the wandering monsters I'd seen around. I did go to the nearer cave and took his staff (which I still have :) ) I did get the notice to go back to the camp and tell them it was over. I will try this; and there are no mods at all on that side of the map. Thanks again, I'll give this a shot.

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If NPCs have been killed and the game has already purged their dead body there's an additional step you need to take.


For Barthel Gernand the complete process is:


prid 3186d


resurrect 1

moveto player


First command will put his reference ID at the top of the console (so that all subsequent commands are executed on that refID). The next enables that previously purged refID. The number one after the resurrect command allows him the retain his possessions when resurrected. You could substitute ...


player.moveto 3186d


... instead of the moveto player command if you were curious where he was when he died (but then you'll be stuck protecting him while he walks back to where is AI package wants him to be at that time). If you make sure your character is close to where he'll need to be before you issue the moveto player it's simpler.


Some caveats regarding resurrecting characters that have died (and note that I'm referring to NPCs that are persistent, not those generated by a leveled list).


Not all will successfully resume their quest, especially in cases where the quest script is keeping track of deaths. It can also fail if you have been trying to force the quest via console commands before doing the enable/resurrect stuff. In general quest stages can't be rolled back via the console at least (e.g if you advanced a quest to stage 90 via the console there is no way back to stage 70 or 80 via the console). Going back to an earlier save is the only option (to find the quest stage for a particular save you just load the save and then getstage MS46 in this case).


Another little tidbit that may or may not have any value for you ... nothing bad will happen to a persistent NPC like Barthel unless the player is close enough for the No Low Level Processing characters to execute their AI. If the player character is far enough away for the No Low Level Processing flag to be active he would just walk past any hostile creature/character. There are a couple of places you can watch this unfold (where you are far enough away to not trigger the AI but still see the characters).


One is just south of Fort Urasek. Just go far enough past the crest of the hill on the road as you head south that you can see down towards Wellspring Cave. If the game has generated a hostile type creature at the spawn point just past the Ayleid Well you can watch as the Legion patrol just slowly walks past. Rush down towards them before the patrol gets very far past the creature and you'll get an idea of how close you need to be to kick in the game engine's AI for the No Low Level Processing creature.

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:smile: Thanks. Both of the other two are back now farming and doing..whatever they do. I'm sure Barthel and Callia were dead before this but they're back now and happy. Going forward, I was thinking about adding another small house there already so maybe now it'll be the house, husband & wife and another cropfield, the wife can sandbox around the farm all day and he can patrol around with a bow, arrows and maybe a short sword. Dont know about the high end wandering animals, but it's more then they had. Growing village and all I dont think that's too far past the intention.

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Glad it worked out.


Something else I should have mentioned is the game's 'safe cell' (by default the Tiber Septim Hotel lobby). When the game engine can't figure out where a persistent reference NPC should be that's the cell it puts them (no matter how far away they 'should' be). The reason I bring it up is I do recall seeing Callia on her way back to Cropsford on a number of occasions.


Maybe she just gets to missing the city life too much.

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