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Repair Messed Up Staging Area


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At some point while refactoring things to a new hard drive, I have ended up with Vortex thinking that it needed to delete a ton of files. I know that Vortex probably notified me and I just clicked through anyway.


With that said, is there any easy way to have Vortex restore the Staging folders back to there original state other than doing re-installs of everything?


I am running into a mess when I re-install stuff. Vortex ends up thinking that there are two versions of everything, even though the version numbers are identical. I think this may have something to do with the fact that Vortex uppercased all of the download file names when it auto-moved them to the "skyrimspecialedition" folder. I also don't want to have all the names start appearing uppercase in the UI.

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If you mess with Vortex's folders outside of the app and then click through the warnings, you'll end up in a pretty bad state.


You can try this extension to pair the archive and mods together, but it doesn't always catch them all https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/25



I think this may have something to do with the fact that Vortex uppercased all of the download file names when it auto-moved them to the "skyrimspecialedition" folder. I also don't want to have all the names start appearing uppercase in the UI.


This part interests me though. When did this happen? You're not the first to mention it but I have no idea how that would even happen. Vortex doesn't have a "skyrimspecialedition" download folder, it uses a "skyrimse" folder. It also shouldn't be making all the file names uppercase.

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This is apparently a new "feature" and I hate it. When I started up Vortex (on more than one occasion), it started spewing out messages saying that it was moving download files to "skyrimspecialedition". All of the files that were moved also had their names uppercased. You can find other posts about this in this forum.


This causes problems for any tools that do any comparisons without specifically stating to ignore case. I am guessing that this includes parts of Vortex itself.


I ran into a bunch of installs where Vortex thought that I had two versions to choose from.


In the Vortex screen shot, Vortex thinks that it has two versions, but they both point to the same Staged folder.


The second shows an example of duplicate download files. I took that screen shot a few days ago. Since then I have written a batch file to rename the download files to match the staged folder names.


Even after that, Vortex internally seemed to still have references to the upper cased names. Maybe a cache?

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a) The downloads being moved is intentional

b) This is the first I'm hearing about the file names being uppercased, that is of course not intended.

c) If you manually create/rename stuff in the Vortex directories you are bound to get issues like the duplicate files you showed. Vortex has meta information associated with files (stuff like the mod description, ids so we can check for updates, ...). If you rename files outside Vortex, the meta information doesn't match any more -> much sadness.


If you want to manage stuff yourself, don't use a mod manager. If you use a mod manager, let it do its thing. To implement a lot of the features I have to be able to make certain assumptions, like the files still being where Vortex left them (and with the same name) the last time it ran.

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I hadn't renamed anything prior to getting the issues. What I did after that was to restore the mixed case naming to the files in an attempt to resolve issues and keep the mod names from being uppercased when they are re-installed.


I haven't run into problems like this before. Usually, Vortex identifies if there are files that are added or removed and handles them as expected.


The situation I am in right now is that i had an old SSE install that I was just using to make some merges that I could use to overcome the SkyrimVR limitation of not supporting Lite plugins. In the middle of all of that I had to swap some har drives and moved everything off and then brought it back in. I updated the settings to point to where my downloads and staged files were moved to.


I ended up messing this up because the new folder with all of the uppercase names mad me think that it didn't belong.


I'm not sure what the scenario was that caused the disconnect with the content in the staged folder. The steam content hadn't been changed. Now I am just trying to find the easiest way to rebuild the Staging folders so that they aren't missing a bunch of stuff.

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Thanks for providing more details. The uppercase naming problem has already been fixed for the next update and I have made a ticket explaining the folder location problem (skyrimspecialediton should be skyrimse) here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/issues/12077


If you set the staging and download folders to the correct locations, it would associate the files properly. However, there may be some metadata missing and the association between the archive and the staged mod - which the extension I linked will try to fix.

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