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Skyrim unofficial Patch Breaking enchanting.


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So as the title says is this true ??? and why ???.


Just heard a rumor somewhere that the team behind the unofficial patch altered the enchanting abillity useless.


well in my game i can drink a fortify enchanting potion +30% and only get 1% benefit from it.


I really like the patch Damn good work, But Enchanting is not a bug is it.


well maybe its only a rumor I dont know ???

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You heard a rumour? Where?


If you can enchant something to do, say, 20 points of Fire Damage and you drink a potion +30% Enchanting, you will be able to make it do 26 points of Fire Damage. That's 30% of 20 (6) plus the original 20.


If it was boosting the Enchantment by 1% you would not even be able to see it as 20 plus 1% of 20 is 20.02.


There are mods that nerf crafting for "realism" and balance reasons. Are you sure you don't have any of those installed?


Anyway, if the potion was doing that it would be Alchemy that's nerfed, not Enchanting.



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Never had that issue myself, but i have my dad's game mess up with hearthfire


his game will not allow any steward to use any commands to buy things or do things at all, doesn't matter the house as he tested it with all 3 of them ,and many different people.

took the hearthfire patch out....works fine.


and the only thing he has in his game is the unofficial patches, no mods or anything ( not even Skyui lol ).


he's pretty pissed about it right now and i even posted on their mod page about it but no reply yet...didn't bother saying it was my dad i typed it out as if it were me though. ( i only have dawnguard, nothing else )

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I just heard someone rant about it.


Im not acusing anyone and besides it would be weird to implement it in the unofficial patch.


My enchanting skill is 63 at the moment,im having the ingredients of tamriel mod installed and made a crazy potion that fortified my skill no less than 83 points but still only 1% difference Could it be the perky mod causing this hmmm.


Welll thanks for clearing out the unofficial patch.

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