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Installing Mods time


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Sorry for posting this here if its the wrong place. I have used this site for years and the NMM since version 10. But, it seems that mods, especially skyrim mods are taking a long time to install. I tried to install a mod this morning. from when i hit the button to when it actually started to install. took almost 25 minutes. I am not sure if its something I have done or another issue, but i would like any suggestions. Thank you for your time.

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either a problem with the newest version of nmm ( Iv'e noticed an increase as well) or your rigs performance... I've also noticed nmm doesn't like me multitasking, sometimes i'll get an error after trying to install a mod with say chrome or media player having my attention. That hadn't happened before

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Don't use NMM. Either install mods manually or use the Nexus to find them and on the Workshop bind them download them.


If you need a (bugged) program to download zip files containing typically 1-2 files then I have a revolutionary blanket to sell you.

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If you use a better manager like Mod Organizer you can just tick or untick the mod to install/uninstall, instead of extracting it everytime. I don't know why people keep using NMM. If it wasn't from the Nexus it would have been dropped like a sack of bricks a long time ago. It's like relying on Internet Explorer when Firefox and Chrome are out there.

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There's no reason to use NMM for most mods. For some with many options NMM is actually better, but most of the time, especially for simple mods, it's better to do it manually.


Aside from that, I don't know what the issue/bug/problem you're experiencing is caused by.

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