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I need help pls !!!!!!! my data is in a &q


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my data is in a "cabinet file" how do i change it :confused:

Says you BSA files? this should happen only in the totally unpatched game. If so you shall patch it As Soon As Possible... other than it you must be more specific so someone can understand what is happening.

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I want to change the "cabinet file" to a normal folder

You are not helping us or yourself. I can just assume you are talking about a mod and it came as a 7z or another packed format.


if so you can use one of the several programs that unpack that specific format. A good, freeware and highly advised one is the 7-zip utility <---- you reach clicking the link


PS: I misplaced the link, corrected now.

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no the data folder you put the mods into is a "cabinet folder" and i just patch my fallout 3 and nothing changed

Have you 'Installed' the game or copied the DVD to the HD? ... You shall look for this folder at the directory you installed the game, not at the My Documents (or Documents in Vista) folder.

If even so the /data is not there, you can create it, under the install directory and place the mods there... (yet this is so strange that must be something wrong in that install)


I don't know if you use that windows ability to compress the volumes. I do not even cogitate using it and don't know how it looks albeit the common sense tells me it should appear as uncompressed while being used.

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i've put it onto my hd and im running xp

Ah, ok... now delete the copy, go to the DVD and run the Setup program.

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