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Building a evolving companion


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Hi there, working on a concept for a evolving companion that changes his skills and abilties after certine quotas are met, i figure the easiest way would just to build several companions for each tier and swap them out but how do i make sure their inventories are keep the same

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I think Serana might be a good basis for this. I think she has a levelling script which adds to her spell list as you and her level up as followers. Maybe that could be messed around with?


Where might this levelling script be found, exactly?

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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it's not so much leveling as changing the actor. Basicly i want to start with a spectral canine companion that after you meet certin options (via dialoging with it) the actior will change to a new, more powerful form with new skills and abilites but the same inventory


(later on i plan to use the same logic to give some coin to some other companions who will buy new gear for themselves)

Edited by nekollx
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You could use different variants of the same character. That might be easiest, depending on how many "forms" you want to go through, and if each is discrete.


Before changing from one variant to the other, you could script all items off into a hidden chest, change the forms, and then put all the items into the new forms inventory.


If there are going to be lots of forms or combinations of powers, this probably won't work.

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