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Remove Nazir's Ueseless Contracts or make Alternatives - Request


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Heres a Mod with an Alternative to Innocence Lost for the Good Guys, so please make a Mod for me in Two Ways.



Please make a Mod to Remove Dialogue from Nazir when he asks me to Kill these People, because it just makes Skyrim more Empty or lets make Alternatives.


Agnis - I mean come on, an Old Woman working in a Bandit Fort and all of them are to afraid to do it themselves. She seems more like a Prisoner if you ask me.

Alternative: (Imperial) Tell a Guard that Agnis is a Stormcloak Spy - (Stormcloak) Tell a Guard that Agnis is an Imperial Spy - (Brigands Fort) Have Agnis attack you on sight.


Anoriath the Meat Seller - Seriously, have you met the Meat Seller of Markarth who is actually a Cannibal, wheres the Contract on that guy.

Alternatve: Make a Script and sneak up to the stall at night when everyone is asleep, then put Dog Meat (you must have them) on the counter and wait till morning when Anoriath is at his Stall. Tell a Guard that Anoriath is selling Dog Meat, then the Guard should Attack and Kill the Wood Elf. Make another Script for a New Random NPC to work at the Stall and sleep at the Drunken Huntsman where the Brother Slept.


Narfi - I mean he's a Beggar and deserves Love, yet he has done Nobody harm. Hasent he suffered enough with the Loss of his Family.

Alternative: Tell a Guard by Lying in saying the Beggar is a Skooma Dealer, then he can Kill Narfi.


Another Idea about Narfi the Beggar at Iverstead is by telling him his Sister is Dead or she is coming soon, then with our next return to the Town, the little Hut of Narfi is now Rebuild into a Small Apothecary Shack where we Buy or Sell Potions from him. A Bridge should be Build over the River too.
He should have a:
Fire place
Alchemy Table
See if there are Voice Files that matches other NPC's so he can talk Normal.
Also, make sure to Delete the Contract Part of Nazir to Murder Narfi.

Narfi should also wear Merchant Clothing now


After you do the Contract by Killing the Vampire Couple at Halfmoon Mill, please make Random Couples move in.


Any real reason to Murder these People, or what Alternatives should there be for them.



Alternative: Script a Stray Dog when you leave the DB Sanctuary and make it your Follower, then make it attack the Cat, (Seek Em) where the poor Puppy dies by the hand of the other khajiit after it Killed the Target








Edited by daventry
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Theres Mod with an Alternative to Innocence Lost for the Good Guys, so please make a Mod for me in Two Ways.


There actually is a (vanilla) alternative to every single (side)quest given by the Dark Brotherhood: Destroy the Dark Brotherhood instead of joining them.


The Dark Brotherhood is, by it's very nature, an "evil" organization. Why any self-proclaimed goody two shoes would even want to join them at all is beyond me.


Helvard - Hes a Steward and could possibly break a Quest to buy Property from him.


Actually, if you kill him before buying the property, you can buy it from Nenya instead.

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True that everyone Hates the Skyrim DB and that the Oblivion DB were Way Cooler, but this is Alternatives for those that like the DB but still wants the Good Guy way. Besides its not like they will know what you did or dident do, you just say you did it and the Job is done.


Maybe Killing Helvard has been fixed in the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, because in the Vanilla Game, its Bugged.

Edited by daventry
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  • 7 months later...

Do not...repeat, DO NOT, send me personal messages requesting mods. I only do mods I want to do, and right now my plate is pretty full. Even if I wanted to, I am terrible at the moment with scripting and quest alterations.

And you know what, I enjoy the hell out of the DB quests. They are actually one of the few challenging parts of the game since you have to get your sneak skills correct and having the right timing if you don't want to get caught.

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I admit the oblivion brotherhood had more meat to it with the black hand group and 8 think skyrim should've had an upper member group like that after the night mothers authority was restored, but scripting out necessary kills seems a little cheaty to me, isn't sithis owed some blood? ; p
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Actually, the oblivion brotherhood was way better because each quest you would get an enchanted item that was special, skyrim was way too bland with giving us our items, and after they got killed off the recruits should be named players with armor like when you bring someone new to the blades
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  • 2 months later...

They arent run by Sithis or the Night Mother yet, because Astrid states that her Group is doing things their own way, so she set out a Contract on you at the end in witch she admits that she was wrong and the Night Mother way is right. Hence, when you joined, the DB is nothing but a band of Assassins, so its Not Cheaty to script out the Kills that sounds dumb. I mean why Murder a Beggar that suffered so much already or why kill a Hunter in Whiterun but leave a Cannibal in Markarth that should Clearly get a Contract.


Yea Oblivion was way better, i do hope if there is a DB in TES6 it would be handled better, or maybe because of the Choice you made in Skyrim to just wipe out the DB, there might not be on in the Next TES Game

Edited by daventry
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