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well when i had first gotten here i went searching around and i had seen mining equipment and construction supplies in the back of the vault im pretty sure that i can get them working so we could build anew section of the vault.
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"I like pwned's idea," I radio to anton. Turning to Amernia, I say, "I have your explosives. It seems that we have similar skills. Medicine and explosives." I put a metal tube her hand to make her believe that I had handed her a stick of dynamite. "Anything that helps her rest right now," I mutter to myself as I pull out a bottle of Quantum and take a sip. "Sleep as long as you need, my friend," I say quietly as I turn out the Medical Bay's lights and sit down with a flashlight and the latest edition of Guns & Bullets.
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"yes i agree with pwned's idea but does anyone have the proper experience for this" i say while drinking a good old bottle of nuka quantum. i then head to the pool table and practise my rubbish skills at the game.


20 mins later: i start to get bored and go off to my pod room to make sure the enclave havent messed with any of it. i notice that nothing was wrong with it so i star to play around on my terminal to see if can do anything else with the thing. i then read a couple of books about science and another called deans electronics. i stay up very late reading until i slowly nod off to sleep.......

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Well why won't we just take stuff from a building that used to be prison? Ok guys i am going to the jail to find some stuff. No worries, i can take out those super muties.
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Well, I didn`t use my computer anyway. The only thing I did was playing the Legend of Zelda. Hey, speaking of Zelda... I go and play...


30 seconds later...




(here comes a long line of swearing, and talking dirty things about the enclave hackers and their mothers :) )


Damn! Well, whatever, I don`t have the patience to play it from the beginning at the moment, I guess, I just have to read The newest Российские девочки ( hot russian girls) magazine till I fall asleep

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I slip something under Fenix's door. I write a message to him, and slip it under as well. It reads: "If you want, there's a collection of old VaultGirl magazines down in our library area... Help yourself."
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well if your worried about experience, i should have, now every dirty and greasy, i had finished refurbishing the equipment, " i found this old users manual, and the controls look just like that old VTOL aircraft i used to fly, it shouldn't be any trouble digging out this cave. oh and speaking my VTOL i was hoping that that you "nodding at flogging" would let me dig out a hanger, I still know were she is, and it should be in perfect condition.
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*open one eye to see that Flogging by she bed side, then unhook the IV drip. Then she sneak out of the Medical Bay* Now, where did they put my stuff. *whisper to herself and goes in search of her stuff*
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