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Over radio, I say, "Permission granted to dig the hanger and prison pwned. Anton is in trouble though, round up anyone you can and meet me at the wagon in 5. The tracking on his iPipBoy says he's not in the Vault anymore, and I think he's in trouble. Tell Amernia she won't find her things. I locked them in the armory, and as you recall.... There are only two keys and neither are left about. Tell her to talk to me if she wants them." I head to the wagon, fire it up, and go looking for anton after waiting for 5 minutes.
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just as the wagon pulls out i jump on top of the roof activate my camo and crouch down in a very ninja'ey way.
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I drive the wagon as fast as I can to anton's co-ordinates. "Check your fire, we don't want to kill him!" I call as we pull up. Seeing crowds of enemies, I gun the engine, "Steady on, secure yourselves, we're goin' through 'em!" I drive the wagon full speed through the crowd, scattering them and killing several.
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I snipe into the crowds of people, killing several, but i realize that using my gauss is taking too ling, and it would get us now were, so i sling it across my back and then jump into the roof mounted turret, then begin to mow as many as I can down, while i try to look and see if i can find Anton.
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