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Full Range of Cybernetic Implants


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After using the Implanted night vision mod by Heroin Zero i started thinking about all the other implants and add-ons for players. here are a few.

Dermal armour implants,

Retractable claws, pistol/needler finger/s,

Implanted Pip-Boy, implanted light.

The eyes are a huge area, giving PC's different vision types....just advanced optics sounds good start.

Exo skelatons. I have seen some good attempts at vehicles so far, maybe the exo suit? could work like a faster stronger heavily armed /armoured PC?

A robot control interface...RC Mister Gutsy?


All ideas I'm sure can be done without significant work, ( I can't mod clay into more clay so i'm no good) without disrupting the flavour of fallout.


oh and can it work with FOOK plz



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I think it's more like Pain In The Anti-Ship Sword to make.
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