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Looking for a MALE, not girly looking race.


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Well I've seen loads of good custom races, but the Males in them look either: homosexual, like a girl, or just rubbish. It might be that I havn't ran into one yet, but do you have any suggestions?


By the way, I'm not being rude with all this, its just I havn't seen one yet :thumbsup:


Lol, sorry I just noticed a thread for people looking for mods, hey I'm new, give me a break :unsure:

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By tweaking Facegen slider, you can make character face more manly or girly regardless of race. Though base shape is determined by head mesh, you can do some crazy things with those sliders. Not quite an example, but I can make a girlish Nord guy(duh) with Facegen Modeller and face importing tools(for me, it's easier than in-game slider tweaking), and I would make ugly Mystic Elf if I want.
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You do have a Point. The normal Races do not look very manly. The Nord looks more like a metrosexual. He has a sixpack.

Shoulder and Leg Muscles are pathetic and the arms, especially the Underarms are pretty weak.

Compared to my own body, i win in a "manliness" Contest, but thats not saying much.


At least give that poor Guy some decent Shoulders. On those pathetic things Nords are sporting now you could barely fit a couch. Like the one i carried around yesterday when i helped someone move.


Well, the Nord is supposed to be something like a viking Barbarian. Like maybe "Conan" or something, with Shoulderblades the Size of Belgium. Big hulking Giants who can cut you in half with one strike of a huge Battleaxe.


But then again, i don't care much. i play first Person so i hardly see my Character. Those other "Nords" are pathetic excuses and the mighty Ysmir should smite them with his Wrath.


Or something like that.

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