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Red Alert III Announced


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There's a 1980's film, a three-part Dune 2000 series which follows the first book, and a three-part Dune 2003 series which follows parts of Dune Messiah and Children of Dune. I've got the two three-part series made by the Sci-Fi channel.


I've got the Special Edition of David Lynch's 1980-film and both Three-Part-Series. Personally I think that the two series are superior to the cinema-version of David Lynch. First because they are longer and more accurate to the books and second because of their better special effects.


But the books of course are still superior to any of the films. Personally I also hope that they will make mini-series of book 4, 5 and 6 (God-emperor, Heretics and Chapterhouse). Of course I also read "The Butlerian Jihad" by Brian Herbert and I will buy myself "The Machine Crusade" and "The Battle of Corrin" soon.


I also heard that Brian Herbert will write the seventh book in the series which his father never completed. Can anyone affirm this?


Of course I would also look forward to a new Dune game, but it probably won't happen. Personally I would very much like a well-made Dune-FPS (playing as a Fedaikin would be fun).

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I love the David Lynch film - I think it captured the spirit of an unfilmable book far, far better than the travesty which was the first mini-series. Casting was spot on, and the sets were fantastic.


Whereas the mini-series may have followed the letter of the book, but completely missed its essence - the casting was atrocious.... I mean, a gerbil-faced, chipmunk-cheeked waterfat Stilgar??? And why expand Princess Irulan's role? That ridiculous reverend mother?




I've actually played the first Dune computer game - one of the few which would run on a 486.... and quite enjoyed it.


Though it would like a good Dune RPG (and by 'good' I mean 'nothing whatsoever to do with that mini-series')...

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Though it would like a good Dune RPG (and by 'good' I mean 'nothing whatsoever to do with that mini-series')...


Yeah, another great idea. But it will probably only happen, if you do it yourself. I don't think you could do a total conversion of MW based on Dune, since you had to change really everything. There is of course the possibility of using a freeware engine like Crystalspace.



I love the David Lynch film - I think it captured the spirit of an unfilmable book far, far better than the travesty which was the first mini-series. Casting was spot on, and the sets were fantastic.


Agreed, cast was good and it catched the spirit. But I will never forgive Lynch for creating this ugly, slimy, brutal, bloodthirsty monster which he dares to call "Baron Harkonnen". When reading the books, I personally think that the Baron in the miniseries is more like he should be.

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I hope that those money hungry fools at EA don't mess this up, Red Alert is one of my all time favorites. The unit balancing in that game should still be used as a reference, since there are very few games in which the most basic unit (the rifleman in this case) is actually useful throughtout the game, without ever really becoming obsolete.


How does RA2 comparet to RA? I never played the second one and want to know how they compare (graphics being a non-issue, I already know they are better, and I don't care).


They're two completely different styles of strategy games. One requires resource management, one is all strategy (with the exception of Rome: TW, which has a hint of resource management, but in an entirely different way - more like a simulation game than a strategy game). Rome: Total War type strategy games tick me off - I completed the game without playing ONE battle. Thats not a joke - the generals won me the game.


The controls were unresponsive - you'd tell your cavalry to go left AROUND the pikemen and instead they'd run straight into them. You'd tell your archers to move forward to fire, but hell no they won't go.


C&C is just a simple build up your base, then overwhelm them style game - which is more appealing to me.


I love the Total War series, and is in many ways superior to C&C, primarily in that it allows you to use real tactics. There is no other RTS game (okay not true, there is Kohan and some other games) that allow you to pull of double-envelopments, flanking manouvers, and various other tactical moves. I really love that. Though Red Alert and C&C are great, I have them for PC and N64 respectively. Though I didn't like C&C nearly as much as Red Alert (no Tanya, among other reasons).


EDIT - About the unresponsive controls, and other complaints. Unfortunately Rome: Total War was released without the last finishing touches. It is like a diamond without polish, beautiful in its own right, but needing that final touch to truly shine. What I am saying is, I hope the upcoming patch from The Creative Assembly will fix the large amount of bugs in the game.

Edited by Adrian Laguna
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