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anyway to gather mods before skyrim has been installed


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game died again and i had to manually remove all files

so is there a way that i can select and gather mods so when the game hits 100% again i already have a list off mods (because i have nothing to do and dont want to wait days to actualy play the game)

this might be in the wrong theat page but i dont know where to put this

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this are question i made before my skyrim died and required a new install

i want to find a way to sort off archive the mods before i have the abilitie to install them like a libary off mods so that i can just enable everything and play the game right away without endless searching for mods

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or better yet, download a mod manager, I can't speak for NMM or MO but with wrye bash just download everything into the bash installers folder, organise it all and when the games ready to play all you have to do is just mass install them from wrye bash.

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