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I have a bone to pick with a lot of pc fallout 4 mod authors


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LMAO ok did not know that was just trying to be helpful is all. kinda funny now that i think about it a console player with a nexus account???? i know anybody can get one but why if you dont need it? o well time to continue MY search for mods i guess some are really hard to find. but thats not related to this post.

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LMAO ok did not know that was just trying to be helpful is all. kinda funny now that i think about it a console player with a nexus account???? i know anybody can get one but why if you dont need it? o well time to continue MY search for mods i guess some are really hard to find. but thats not related to this post.

A fair few of the console players coming attempting to find a way to get mods from here, onto their console. It IS possible, just not precisely legal. :) (violates of HOST of terms of Use of the console.)

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LMAO ok did not know that was just trying to be helpful is all. kinda funny now that i think about it a console player with a nexus account???? i know anybody can get one but why if you dont need it? o well time to continue MY search for mods i guess some are really hard to find. but thats not related to this post.

No worries Papakat, I wasn't being critical of you or anything. ;) And by all means, definitely be helpful! We love helpful, around here. We need a lot more, helpful around here ;) :D

Nah, I just remembered that there had been a couple of other threads about this, and then looked at the user's profile, and sure nuff... same guy.


You're more than welcome to make a thread about the mods that you're looking for. The more information that you can give about them will help us help you out. ;)



LMAO ok did not know that was just trying to be helpful is all. kinda funny now that i think about it a console player with a nexus account???? i know anybody can get one but why if you dont need it? o well time to continue MY search for mods i guess some are really hard to find. but thats not related to this post.

A fair few of the console players coming attempting to find a way to get mods from here, onto their console. It IS possible, just not precisely legal. :smile: (violates of HOST of terms of Use of the console.)



It depends on if it's a legit port or not. Uploaded to bethesda.net thru the CK. (But then, You knew that, YT ;) )

TBH thinking about it, I can see how some of them would get a nexus account to try to contact an author for port permission. I mean, I dunno if the beth modders do it like we do or not. But I know here, many modders would prefer the REQUESTER obtain the permission, and prove that permission, before they'll decide whether or not they wanna do the work.

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your right about the mods but if they are trying to get permission to port dont they need a PC to port any mod after getting permissions straightend out? it dont really matter to me what they do it just dont really make sense to me , unless they know someone on console that dont have a PC and asking them to port it for them. but from what i gathered thats not the case here. i can understand some of his complaint being a console convert to PC for better mods. like i said no big deal just a little confusing is all

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your right about the mods but if they are trying to get permission to port dont they need a PC to port any mod after getting permissions straightend out? it dont really matter to me what they do it just dont really make sense to me , unless they know someone on console that dont have a PC and asking them to port it for them. but from what i gathered thats not the case here. i can understand some of his complaint being a console convert to PC for better mods. like i said no big deal just a little confusing is all

Everybody uses a different approach, depending on their situation. Some even ask permission and then search for somebody else to do the work.

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papakat- indeed they do need a PC. Or so my understanding of it goes. The way that I get it, in order to upload it to bethesda.net, it has to be uploaded from the CK. Which, is from a PC. Now, how a console version of a .esm, .esp, or .esl file changes, when it's for xbox, ps4, or pc... I dunno. :huh:


And yeah. I can understand the complaint too.

I got hooked on this game from a roommate's ps4. Yeah, the one that has even BIGGER restrictions on mods.

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heyas papakat :)

There's a lot of people that have wishes for mods that are on PC that aren't available for console. So there's a lot of requests for those mods to be ported.

It may be a case that the person who is requesting, doesn't have a pc. Or perhaps they don't have a pc that can run the CK. Or... maybe they do, but they're like ME, and can't FIGURE OUT the CK. (Seriously. I'm an IT technician, I've run server software. I've fixed networks. But I damn well can't figure out how to open the windows that I need, in that monster called the Creation Kit! So I literally can't even get started on doing any mod work in it!)


I think, where you're getting confused, is whether the person requesting the permission, can actually DO the port or not. Like, here, a lot of authors do not want to mess with somebody else's work, unless permission is already given. The really good, skilled authors just don't have time to mess with the smaller leg work. So they prefer that whoever it is that wants it done, shows a commitment, and does that bit of leg work ahead of time. Once they've done so, they may take on the request.


A situation like this. Joe: "Hey can you port mod x over to ps4?"

Mike: "Not without permissions from Jon being given. Go get permission from him, and I'll do it."

Joe: "I don't know what to do, why do I ask him?"

Mike: "Because You're the one who wants it done. If I'm going to do work for you, you're going to do work for me."

Joe: "Oh. Ok. That's fair. I'll get in touch with Jon. I'll let you know!"

Mike: "Ok, thanks!"

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And then we have the restrictions put in place by microsoft, and sony.... Sony doesn't allow ANY external assets, so, esp only files for Playstation, can't even change scripts.... XBox has a size limitation, which prevents some of the larger mods from being practical.


Now, WHY XBox has a size limitation is beyond me. After all, HDD space has gotten CHEAP. and today, even SSD's are reasonably priced......

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There was a way around some of that .esp only stuff tho.

Like for instance with some of the guns or armors, if you did a mashup, and only changed the settings of where vanilla parts lined up, by their numerical values, it was still considered vanilla. Or if the script itself could be edited into the .esp file, that got past the censorship sometimes.

XB has a 5gb size limit. Which is absolutely ridiculous. But Sony has a 2gb limit, which is just waaay beyond asinine!


I mean, don't get me wrong. A deck is expensive. But it costs 1/4 of the price of a gaming rig. And a TV, you can get cheap at a pawn shop, if your budget is really tight/lean.

Sometimes the decks are cheap at a pawn shop too.

I can honestly say, that I feel that. There's a lot of Games that I've wanted to try out, and to play. But don't have the hardware needed to play them.

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There was a way around some of that .esp only stuff tho.

Like for instance with some of the guns or armors, if you did a mashup, and only changed the settings of where vanilla parts lined up, by their numerical values, it was still considered vanilla. Or if the script itself could be edited into the .esp file, that got past the censorship sometimes.

XB has a 5gb size limit. Which is absolutely ridiculous. But Sony has a 2gb limit, which is just waaay beyond asinine!


I mean, don't get me wrong. A deck is expensive. But it costs 1/4 of the price of a gaming rig. And a TV, you can get cheap at a pawn shop, if your budget is really tight/lean.

Sometimes the decks are cheap at a pawn shop too.

I can honestly say, that I feel that. There's a lot of Games that I've wanted to try out, and to play. But don't have the hardware needed to play them.

I was playing on an 8 year old system, when it died...... Fortunately, I was in a position that I could spend the money to do some serious upgrades. So, Ninth Gen i7, 16gb RAM, and an NVidia RTX 3070.... (got that dirt cheap thru work....) I am still playin' Fallout 4, and Skyrim though, so I am not even remotely taxing my hardware.... even at 3440X1440......

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