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[WIP] The Black Marshes


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Yes, I think morcroft (the modeller) had a few problems with that. He might have changed it since as I received a revised model not too long ago. However, he is intending for the effect to be quite dull. I'm not sure what you're referring to about the fence though...
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Thanks for your comments, guys. And here is an...




This is just a quick message to our members regarding the Black Marsh forums and Silgrad Tower website. We are currently having some problems getting the website online. Sandor owns the website and has to re-register it every year so there tends to be a slight blip in functionality. Please alert sandor to this issue if you come across him as he has been away for some time. However, things should be progressing as normal shortly.


Other news - my hard drive has been attacjed by a trojan, killing off my latest work. Thankfully, I had uploaded a previous version of this massive file for back-up so it's not as horrific as it might have been to the project's health but it's still a pain on top of everything else. Anyway, we're still going. It's business as usual until we get the site back up and running.


To sum up, the forums are still there, just offline. We need to get it re-registered but sandor is the one with the info....unless I can find a way around it.

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Problem solved. It was actually more a case of finding Razorwing, the ex-leading light of 'Silgrad Tower' to obtain permissions to renew the website. Sandor has had some pretty terrible RL stuff to deal with but returned to help out (bless him).
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I am very much looking forward to this, if I could get it to work with my gfx probs I have.


Hello Ibsen,


How is your Black Marsh project doing? Hope you and the team did some good progress.


Anyway, I sent you a msg. Just saying hello.

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Hi JB,


Not too bad. We had these problems, as mentioned above, but I now have my PC back after the trojan virus hit and we're starting to get back on track again thankfully.


Thanks for the comments Kuraikiba!

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No problem. I am a die hard Argonian fan. I have wanted Black marsh for a LONG time. But I ask:


1. Would the new textures make the system lag?

2. Will this be some massive 4 gigabyte mod (If so, I'm out)

3. Will this be ALL of Black Marsh?

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