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Are people inherently good or bad?


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I found an example of how people seem to be in this movie comedy "This is the End"

I remember that movie, but it's been a while since I last saw it. I suppose when it's an "end-of-the-world" scenario then morals, ethics and principles all go out the window, and it's all about survival. Thankfully though I don't think we as a civilization will ever experience something close to world ending, but it's interesting even with events going on around the world the lengths some people are willing to go.

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Bad Nature! Good Nature.

The theme of this topic suggests part of our baby bodies have a Bad bit in the structure and a Good bit too. Both installed at some time after we begin to develop in our 9 month board and rent free room. Because I was seeking why I am like I am all the stuff I have read, turned up information, that; physiologically babies are pure innocence until introduced to people who like to get us to lose that virgin sense.

Innocence thieves. Turning our natural behavior to learn about stuff Innocence thieves are aware we are too young for and should be protected from Innocence Thieves and such bad people by our Mothers and Fathers.

It's Fun! Book learning, a number of women said, Losing their virginity wasn't fun!

Even us guys lost some of our innocence to females who lied telling us that something they wanted to do with our male bodies is fun! This little piggy went to market...

Bad is Good as long as the one doing bad isn't the one getting it good. Thieves always hate it when someone robs them. Alibaba and the Forty Thieves in the Hallmark movie Arabian Nights says so.
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I found an example of how people seem to be in this movie comedy "This is the End"

I remember that movie, but it's been a while since I last saw it. I suppose when it's an "end-of-the-world" scenario then morals, ethics and principles all go out the window, and it's all about survival. Thankfully though I don't think we as a civilization will ever experience something close to world ending, but it's interesting even with events going on around the world the lengths some people are willing to go.


Always nice to see an optimist here. :)


I have a bit darker view of the future. We are going to do ourselves in, either via war, or, we will 'roman empire' ourselves into obscurity. We are headed in the latter direction fairly quickly.

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I found an example of how people seem to be in this movie comedy "This is the End"

I remember that movie, but it's been a while since I last saw it. I suppose when it's an "end-of-the-world" scenario then morals, ethics and principles all go out the window, and it's all about survival. Thankfully though I don't think we as a civilization will ever experience something close to world ending, but it's interesting even with events going on around the world the lengths some people are willing to go.


Always nice to see an optimist here. :smile:


I have a bit darker view of the future. We are going to do ourselves in, either via war, or, we will 'roman empire' ourselves into obscurity. We are headed in the latter direction fairly quickly.


if you throw morals out the window then they are not really at the core of people, I would like to think we can be as good as movie hero characters. But as others have said here we are flawed and stupid and will do what we can to get a leg up.


I get you can debate what is good or bad. but the fact we even have to have laws to stop people killing each other that is enforced by whoever has the biggest stick just makes us there smartest animals on earth that have learned to cage ourselves to our benefit.

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I found an example of how people seem to be in this movie comedy "This is the End"

I remember that movie, but it's been a while since I last saw it. I suppose when it's an "end-of-the-world" scenario then morals, ethics and principles all go out the window, and it's all about survival. Thankfully though I don't think we as a civilization will ever experience something close to world ending, but it's interesting even with events going on around the world the lengths some people are willing to go.


Always nice to see an optimist here. :smile:


I have a bit darker view of the future. We are going to do ourselves in, either via war, or, we will 'roman empire' ourselves into obscurity. We are headed in the latter direction fairly quickly.


if you throw morals out the window then they are not really at the core of people, I would like to think we can be as good as movie hero characters. But as others have said here we are flawed and stupid and will do what we can to get a leg up.


I get you can debate what is good or bad. but the fact we even have to have laws to stop people killing each other that is enforced by whoever has the biggest stick just makes us there smartest animals on earth that have learned to cage ourselves to our benefit.


Laws don't prevent anything. They simply codify behavior that is NOT acceptable, and provide a framework for 'punishing' the folks that violate those laws. Sure, most folks won't break the law, as they don't want to deal with the consequences, however, there will always be those out there that simply don't care, or feel that the law shouldn't apply to them. Thus, they are deemed 'bad' people. :)

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I found an example of how people seem to be in this movie comedy "This is the End"

I remember that movie, but it's been a while since I last saw it. I suppose when it's an "end-of-the-world" scenario then morals, ethics and principles all go out the window, and it's all about survival. Thankfully though I don't think we as a civilization will ever experience something close to world ending, but it's interesting even with events going on around the world the lengths some people are willing to go.


Always nice to see an optimist here. :smile:


I have a bit darker view of the future. We are going to do ourselves in, either via war, or, we will 'roman empire' ourselves into obscurity. We are headed in the latter direction fairly quickly.


if you throw morals out the window then they are not really at the core of people, I would like to think we can be as good as movie hero characters. But as others have said here we are flawed and stupid and will do what we can to get a leg up.


I get you can debate what is good or bad. but the fact we even have to have laws to stop people killing each other that is enforced by whoever has the biggest stick just makes us there smartest animals on earth that have learned to cage ourselves to our benefit.


Laws don't prevent anything. They simply codify behavior that is NOT acceptable, and provide a framework for 'punishing' the folks that violate those laws. Sure, most folks won't break the law, as they don't want to deal with the consequences, however, there will always be those out there that simply don't care, or feel that the law shouldn't apply to them. Thus, they are deemed 'bad' people. :smile:



Oh! Then there are those who live on the street, some smart and discreet, and many others living more like a herd of grazing animals. As long as no one arouses them from their sleepy drifting; the days are long and filled with throngs of people making wishes. While some have learned ways to get free board and room.


Those kind cause trouble among the crowd and are the people looking for a way to get back into jail for the comforts that it provides. Not quite as smart as some street smart children and adults.


It's so sad that anyone which might have an IQ above 70 drifts without realizing they could be living like a king on a college campus. A few do! They could learn other stuff that would merit better attention if they had any desire to. It's so sad to meet with someone who is mentally sharp and quick witted only to learn there is a ranch full of cattle that they need to get back to.


Roman's, Countrymen, lend me your ears.


Hey Man?! What's in the bag?



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  • 3 weeks later...

I think people are inherently bad/evil, why else would power corrupted people instead of making them saint like?


There is no such thing as good or evil in a spiritual sense. Evil seems to "evolve" over time and each civilization has their own interpretation of what should be deemed evil. There are some common threads in every period and civilization that are punished but again it all depends on what base emotion they have chosen to demonize.. or revere.

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I recently saw a video on youtube titled something along the lines of "Why we don't let monkeys evolve" or something like that.

Supposedly.... monkeys, apes, gorillas are our closest cousins in nature.

Now, don't get me wrong. Primates have some extremely great loving, caring, nurturing traits. Like, their entire camp will mourn the passing of one of their troupe, even if they don't know or recognize that member.


They can be some downright nasty, despicable, disgusting and almost evil creatures too! In some of the cities where the monkey populations are out of control, people have been attacked in their sleep. Even to the degree of having their eyes gouged out, and/or genitalia bitten off.


Basically what I'm saying, is if those are our closest relatives in nature.... what's that say about Us?

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I recently saw a video on youtube titled something along the lines of "Why we don't let monkeys evolve" or something like that.

Supposedly.... monkeys, apes, gorillas are our closest cousins in nature.

Now, don't get me wrong. Primates have some extremely great loving, caring, nurturing traits. Like, their entire camp will mourn the passing of one of their troupe, even if they don't know or recognize that member.


They can be some downright nasty, despicable, disgusting and almost evil creatures too! In some of the cities where the monkey populations are out of control, people have been attacked in their sleep. Even to the degree of having their eyes gouged out, and/or genitalia bitten off.


Basically what I'm saying, is if those are our closest relatives in nature.... what's that say about Us?

We aren't much better than they are....... Be glad they aren't really tool users yet.....

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About 10% of the humans don't care about others or will even enjoy to see their pears suffering.

Another 10% will go an extra mile to help other or will even sacrifice themselves to do so.

The remaining 80% are in the middle of these extremes, balancing and can be dragged into one or the other with propaganda or proper education.

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