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Invisible Mod Armor


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So first, I'll be honest, I don't know anything about ini files or meshes or anything. I just follow the installation instructions when it comes to mods.


The problem though is that every mod armor I download appears in-game as completely invisible, either not showing up on my body if its an accessory or turning my body itself invisible.


Is this a known issue? How can I deal with this?

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Better question. Are you using a race mod?

Or something that gives you a completely different body than the original game uses for the player?


Armors and clothes for this game don't go "onto" the body. They REPLACE the body. When you have armor or clothes that are intended for say... a human body.... and then you put them on a body that isn't a human body... you end up with Floating Head Syndrome. Or in non-game speak, invisible body.

Or they don't show up, at all, visibly.

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