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Character creation has been nerfed


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I knew there had been changes in character creation. To check it out I incinerated one of my alts (unfortunately) and started a new one.


Race, bloodline, school, ancestry- NOTHING makes a difference now. All characters start with the same attributes, skills, and 50K SP. Thus character creation is ONLY about the portrait.


My ex-alt started with 57 market orders, and a smattering of other skills, and needed minimal training before being put to use as a trader. The new one is a manufacturer and needs a lot of work.


There IS a temporary 100% training bonus and 2 neural remaps are also available. Thus I neural remapped to get 12 attributes each for memory and intelligence (this is thus equal to 24 points each)




Am now training learning, memory and intelligence and cybernetics to 3 each, then plugging in +3 implants for memory and intelligence (both ending at 36 points each), and starting off on the industrial skills.




Edit: typo

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My calculation were a little wrong. I got 19 each in Intelligence and Memory, plus 100% bonus = 38 each :)


Production Efficiency 5 is going to take 7 days! Things cannot get better than this :geek:



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  • 2 weeks later...
Lol why did i even ask, i never really liked those online pay per month games, like wow i thought it was a rip off. When there are many other space sims that do the same but free, when you have purchased it.
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Lol why did i even ask, i never really liked those online pay per month games, like wow i thought it was a rip off. When there are many other space sims that do the same but free, when you have purchased it.


EVE is not a space sim.

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Lol why did i even ask, i never really liked those online pay per month games, like wow i thought it was a rip off. When there are many other space sims that do the same but free, when you have purchased it.


As was previously stated. EVE is not a space sim. And you aren't paying the money for the game. You're paying for server upkeep on a game that has about 50,000 people logged in at the same time. If you want a single player game, sure. You can get one without paying monthly. Good luck finding a decent MMO (MASSIVE multiplayer online) that's free and has the support of one you subscribe to.

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