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Game wont let me build certain settlement objects


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I dont know why but when i try to build the automatron workshop in red rocket it wont let me even though i have the materials to craft it,

It also happened with the synth production workshop from a mod and also with turrets in the slog,

i have no idea why this is happening

i also dont know if its a mod issue or just fallout 4 being fallout 4.


these are my mods:

any mod any weapon
automatron robot hat fix
likeable strong
everyone's best friend
farming resources
go4 dogmeat changer
ghoulish player
hobo scavenger
laser weapons 1st person reposition
Looks menu
lots more facial hair
nick valentine's day
Piper has a big nose (im 100% sure this wont cause any problems)
start me up
supermutant clothes
charger pistol
this is my bed
visible companion affinity
workshop synth production
legendary modification and legendary modification enhanced
crafting framework
singing settler
scrap everything
more robot voices
automatrons have genders too
automatron synth
mr handy make a bot reinvented
automatron unlocked
automatron securitron
heisenberg preset (same with the big nose piper, this is not causing problems at all)
also all of the dlc's
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ok after researching for a while i've found that i now need double the materials to craft those items, is there any way of fixing the bug without needing double the items?

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