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true maybe aragorn has exams or maybe he is traveling.

and slawter did you know what i did with the last exam i had to ive to the teacher.

i threw it as a ball to her face, she was so pissed and we were so laughing :P :P :P :P ;D ;D

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lol!!!!!! haha thats brilliant!


Anyway im off for tonight!


i placed a comment on neus with a request for ideas for extra kotn missions. legion missions

i have an idea for the ingame rebuilding of sancre tor:

first clear it out with the blades then a new npcs will come to the legion district called the blades architect and he sells exterior and interior upgrades for sancre tor but i have no clue what upgrades so post ideas

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Ok this is definitley last post for tonight


Maybe a statue dedicated to Talos Septim, He will be wearing Replica Emperors Armour, which is takeable, more ideas from me tomorrow.


P.S even though il have to wait till morning for reply-What do you think of trailer starwars?


And thanks for liking the trailer vicICE

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Hey i have an idea for a quest for the Cammandable Army.


Quest Name: Traitor!


Quest line: While walking through the Imperial City with your personal body gaurd, a mysterouis man approched you about the counts of the other citys about a planned assasintation. On you! The man tells you to meet him at the Imperial City Inn. You where told to come alone.


Quest line part 2: After meeting with the man he gives you all the information you need to arrest the counts, or if such a need arises, kill them. Maybe i should confront a count about this...


Quest line 3: After confrunting one of the counts, he tells you more then you need to know about the plan. He has givin you a peice of paper with the sceduals of the counts for the next week. If need be he will give you another for the next week.


For the rest basically you decide what you are going to do, kill or arest the other counts. Doing sertian things should give you some kinda of a reword. If you decide to kill a count you can elect a new one to take his or her place.


What do you think?

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Ok this is definitley last post for tonight


Maybe a statue dedicated to Talos Septim, He will be wearing Replica Emperors Armour, which is takeable, more ideas from me tomorrow.


P.S even though il have to wait till morning for reply-What do you think of trailer starwars?


And thanks for liking the trailer vicICE

it vas very good

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you guys i was bored in class today and came up with alot ideas some are good some are not but lets vore about it so make a list what is good from the following list:

1. a quest to have the nine and the deadra peace with each other (except dagon of course)

2. also an idea to make the mythic dawn remnants an imperial cult/guild just like the DB and TG

3. questline to restrengthen the 4 guilds(TG,FG,DB,MG) and the blades

4. change the sewers into something useful like an evac centre

5. make escape tunnels from each city to another

6. make the mines operational again

7. quest to exterminate ALL vampires in cyrodiil

8. questline to become a priest and recover holy artefacts

9. expand the blades faction with missions

10. quests to rebuild the knights of the thorn

11. build big harbors and docks on the coast of the abecean sea and topal bay

12. make vanilla ships buyable for the navy

13. option to transform 1 ship into a flagship

14. expand vanilla castles

15 enable trade with the provinces


and what do ya think

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Slawter, you did a pretty nice job on the trailer. :thumbsup:


Can't work a lot on the dungeon today, but I'll try to finish the pathing in the second part.


Btw, did we get a response from Armagedd0n yet? I need to know whether he's going to help constructing the final dungeon so I don't start building a part he's done already/he wants to do.


[EDIT]Yay, 200th post!

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